International TOVS Working Group

ITSC-24 Program

Thursday 16 March 2023

8:30-9:00Liam Gumley, Vincent Guidard (ITWG Co-chairs)Opening of ITSC-24
 Met NorwayWelcome words from Met Norway
Weather briefing
 Liam Gumley, Vincent Guidard (ITWG Co-chairs)Practical Information 
9:00-10:15 Session 1: Radiative Transfer
Chair-persons: Vito Galligani and Niels Bormann
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
1.01James Hocking
Met Office
RTTOV development status
1.02Benjamin Johnson
Community Radiative Transfer Model: A Community Model for Operational Contributions
1.03Guido Masiello
Univeristy of Basilicata
The new features of the sigma-FORUM Forward Model, the general purpose Fast Radiative Transfer Model for the present and next hyperspectral instruments
1.04Yi-Ning Shi
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre
All-Sky Radiative Transfer Simulations based on the Advanced Radiative transfer Modeling System (ARMS)
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
1p.01Heo Junhyung (for Junyeob Choi) 
National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration
Estimation and its application of new channel RTTOV coefficients for GK-5 the follow on GK2A
1p.02Benjamin Johnson (for Cheng Dang)
Advances in CRTM aerosol simulations with v2.4.1 and v3 releases
1p.03Vito Sol Galligani
All-sky intercomparison of the CRTM and RTTOV radiative transfer models with the analysis fields from a 16-day WRF-GSI-LETKF regional data assimilation system
1p.04Valentin Jules
CNRM, Météo France, CNRS
Updated radiative transfer modelling to simulate the Pressure Modulated Radiometer (PMR) instrument from the 1970s
1p.05Christina Köpken-Watts
Evaluation of ICON model clouds using visible channel reflectances and RTTOV-MFASIS simulations
1p.06Naoto Kusano
Japan Meteorological Agency
Update of the radiative transfer model to RTTOV-13 at JMA
1p.07Jean-Marie Lalande
CNRM, Météo France, CNRS
Comparison Study between RTTOV v13, 4A/OP v1.7 and IASI Observations in Clear-Sky over Oceans
1p.08Tiziano Maestri
University of Bologna
Fast spectral radiance computations in cloudy conditions at far and mid infrared wavelengths using the sigma-FORUM code
1p.10Inchul Shin
National Meteorological Satellite Center/Korea Meteorological Administration
Simulation of GK2A visible channel image and its application
1p.11Emma Turner
Met Office 
Implementing the Zeeman effect in the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model
1p.12Jérôme Vidot
Improved cloud scattering parameterization for Mid and Far-IR in RTTOV
1p.13Hu (Tiger) Yang
CISESS, University of Maryland
A Calibrated Lunar Microwave Radiative Transfer Model Based on Satellite Observations

10:15-10:45 Health Break

10:45-11:30Session 1: Radiative Transfer (continued)
Chair-persons: Vito Galligani and Niels Bormann
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
1.05Ethel Villeneuve
CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS
Statistical study of inconsistencies between infrared and microwave cloudy simulations
1.06Hanna Hallborn
Chalmers University of Technology
All-sky simulations of the Ice Cloud Imager
1.07Xu Liu
NASA Langley Research Center
Principal Component-based Radiative Transfer Model (PCRTM) for Hyperspectral Remote Sensors for UV, VVIS, NIR, IR, and FIR Spectral Regions
11:30-11:45 Session 2: Calibration and Validation
                    Session 3: Geo Imager Assimilation
Chair-persons: Jonathan Taylor and Wei Han
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
2p.01Niels Bormann
Orbital biases in microwave temperature-sounding observations?
2p.04Dimitrios Kilymis
IASI radiometric error uncertainty budget and inter-comparison results
2p.05Tim Hultberg (for Imke Krizek)
Exploitation of Metop-A End-Of-Life backflip manoeuvre: estimating MHS mirror reflectivity and revealing scan-dependent biases
2p.06Bomin Sun
Recent Advances in Global Radiosonde Observations for Their Applications in Satellite Data Calibration/Validation
3p.01Cristina Lupu
Monitoring visible reflectances from geostationary satellites at ECMWF
11:45-12:15 Presentation of ITWG working groups 
Chair-persons: ITWG Co-chairs
Oral presentations (Presentations 5 minutes)
b.01 Climate
b.02 Products and Software
b.03 International and Future Systems
b.04 Radiative Transfer and Surface Properties
b.05 Advanced Sounders
b.06 Numerical Weather Prediction

12:15-13:15 LUNCH

13:15-13:45 Poster viewing (Sessions 1, 2, 3)

13:45-15:15 Session 2: Calibration and Validation
Chair-persons: Jonathan Taylor and Daniel Zhou 
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
2.01Manik Bali
GSICS Products and Tools for scientific applications
2.02Peng Zhang
National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA
The on-orbit Performance of FY-3E in an Early Morning Orbit
2.03Flavio Iturbide Sanchez
Initial Assessment of the NOAA JPSS-2 CrIS Observations
2.04Chengli Qi
FY-3E/HIRAS-II post launch instrument status and data accuracy analysis
2.05Vincent Leslie
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
TROPICS Earth Venture Mission: Update on Pathfinder’s Yearlong Calibration and Validation
2.06Bertrand Theodore
How well the new generation of Chinese IR hyperspectral sounders compare with IASI?

15:15-15:45 Health break

15:45-16:45 Session 2: Calibration and Validation (continued)
Chair-persons: Jonathan Taylor and Daniel Zhou
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
2.07Joe Taylor
Rigorous and Traceable Assessment of the CrIS Radiometric Calibration Uncertainty
2.08Hu (Tiger) Yang
CISESS, University of Maryland
On the study of the absolute on-orbit calibration consistency between ATMS instruments from SNPP to JPSS-02
2.09Lu Lee
National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration
FY-4B/GIIRS performance after one year on orbit
2.10Henry Revercomb
Correction for Ringing in the Calibrated Spectra of the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
16:45-17:45  Session 3: Geo Imager Assimilation
Chair-persons: Wei Han and Cristina Lupu
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
3.01Christina Köpken-Watts (for Liselotte Bach)
Data assimilation of visible and combination with water vapour imager channels for very short-range forecasting
3.03Olivier Audouin
CNRM, Météo-France & CNRS
Assimilating the infrared data from geostationary satellites within the Météo- France models
3.04Samuel Quesada-Ruiz
Towards a fuller exploitation of the window channel from geostationary satellites in NWP

18:00 Icebreaker

Friday 17 March 2023

8:25 Weather briefing (Met Norway)

08:30-9:20 Session 4: NWP Centre reports
Chair-persons: Nadia Fourrié and Kozo Okamoto
Poster introductions (Presentations 3 minutes, 1 slide)
4p.01Alain Beaulne
Recent upgrades and developments in the use of satellite radiances at ECCC (poster)
4p.02Niels Bormann
NWP centre report: ECMWF (poster)
4p.03Philippe Chambon
CNRM, Météo-France & CNRS
Ongoing developments on satellite radiance assimilation at Météo-France (poster)
4p.04Hui Christophersen
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Recent observation assimilation advancement for U.S. Navy’s numerical weather prediction systems (poster)
4p.05Hyoung-Wook Chun
Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation at Korea Meteorological Administration (poster)
4p.06Andrew Collard
Progress and plans for the use of radiance data in the NCEP global and regional data assimilation systems (poster)
4p.07Reima Eresmaa
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Radiance assimilation in MetCoOp limited-area NWP systems (poster)
4p.08Wei Han
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre
Recent developments in satellite radiance assimilation at CMA (poster)
4p.09Chawn Harlow
Met Office
State of play of radiance processing in the NWP system at the Met Office (poster)
4p.10Christina Köpken-Watts
Status and developments of satellite radiance assimilation at DWD (poster)
4p.11Isabel Monteiro
Use of satellite atmospheric sounding data in United Weather Centres West (poster)
4p.12Hidehiko Murata
Japan Meteorological Agency
Recent upgrades and progresses of satellite radiance data assimilation at JMA (poster)
4p.13Indira Rani Sukumara Pillai
NCMRWF NWP: Current status and future plans (poster)
4p.14Jana Sánchez-Arriola
Radiance assimilation in AEMET Harmonie-AROME model operational run (poster)
4p.15Fiona Smith
Bureau of Meteorology
Satellite radiance assimilation at the Bureau of Meteorology (NWP Centre Update) (poster)
4p.16Yanqiu Zhu
Status and Progress of Observation Usages in the GMAO GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System (poster)
4p.17Krishnamoorthy Chandramouli
Centre for Climate Research Singapore
Status of satellite data assimilation in Meteorological Service Singapore (poster)
9:20-10:05 Session 5: Climate
Chair-persons: Nathalie Selbach and Dirceu Herdies 
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
5.01Lihang Zhou (for Lin Lin)
Reprocessing of S-NPP/JPSS Sensor Data Records
5.02Jonathan Mittaz
University of Reading
Investigating possible sources of error in the calibration of the Microwave Sounding Instrument
5.03Timo Hanschmann
Applying inter-satellite Harmonisation to various Microwave Humidity Sounders

10:05-10:35 Health break

10:35-11:10 Session 5: Climate (continued)
Chair-persons: Nathalie Selbach and Dirceu Herdies 
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
5.04William Bell
Preparations for ERA6: the assimilation of reprocessed and rescued radiance observations
5.05Graeme Martin
UW-Madison / SSEC
Status of the NASA CrIS Level 1B Product for Climate Applications
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
5p.01Per Dahlgren
MET Norway
Use of satellite data in regional reanalysis
5p.02Nathalie Selbach (for Karsten Fennig)
Fundamental Climate Data Record of Microwave Imager Radiances, Edition 4
5p.03Nathalie Selbach
Climate Data Records of the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring
5p.04Peng Zhang
National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA
The Progress of Re-processing Historical FengYun Meteorological Satellite
11:10-11:25 Session 6: Retrieval and Software
Chair-persons: Niama Boukachaba and Marc Crapeau
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
6p.01Nigel Atkinson
Met Office
An update on NWP SAF satellite data processing packages to support EPSSG and MTG
6p.02Eva Borbas
UW-Madison SSEC
The status of the Version 2 VIIRS+CrIS Fusion Radiance (NASA FSNRAD) products
6p.03Niama Boukachaba
Morgan State University/ NASA GSFC/ GMAO
Implementing Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Cloud-Clearing Algorithm into the NASA GEOS Model: focus on the 2017 Atlantic Tropical Cyclone season
6p.04Liam Gumley
Ultra Low Latency Detection of Atmospheric Instability and Anomalous Emissions with CrIS
6p.05Allen Huang
University of Wisconsin-Madison
CSPP2 – COMMUNITY SATELLITE PROCESSING PACKAGE (CSPP) for Committed and Sustainable Professional Platform (CSPP)
6p.06Tim Hultberg
Hybrid Principal Component (PC) Compression
6p.07Siwei Li
Wuhan University
Retrieving cloud thickness over land for single-layer liquid clouds from OCO-2
6p.08Agnes Lim
Development of NUCAPS for CSPP Real-Time Processing of early morning orbit Hyperspectral Sounding Suites
6p.09Scott Mindock
Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) Sensor Data Record (SDR) Version 4.0: Support for NOAA-21
6p.11Ramesh P Singh
Chapman University
Combined Ground and Sounder data Show a Strong Coupling between In-situ and Atmosphere Associated with Baghjan oil well blowout and Tonga Volcanic Eruption
6p.12Lihang Zhou
Updates on NOAA-21 Science Product Validation
6p.13Junhyung Heo (for Hye-In Park)
National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration
Retrieval and Evaluation of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profile using FY-4A/GIIRS
11:25-11:55 Invited Presentation (Presentation 25 minutes + Questions 5 minutes)
           William Smith
State of Atmospheric Sounding from Space – My Perspective on Past, Present, and Future, in the Infrared

12:10-13:10 LUNCH

13:10-13:40 Poster viewing (Sessions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

13:40-15:25 Session 6: Retrieval and Software (continued)
Chair-persons: Niama Boukachaba and Marc Crapeau
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
6.02Marc Crapeau
The past, present and future of the EUMETSAT Hyperspectral Infrared Level 2 products
6.03Likun Wang
Updates on CrIS VIIRS Radiance Cluster Analysis Algorithm
6.04Stefan Stapelberg
Hamtec Consulting Ltd
Validation and operational monitoring of atmospheric products derived from IASI measurements
6.05moved to poster 6p.13  
6.06Ralf Bennartz
Vanderbilt University
Concurrent temperature/moisture profile and hydrometeor retrievals from the TROPICS Pathfinder mission
6.07Bjorn Lambrigtsen
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA’s New Microwave Sounder Retrieval System
6.08Pratiksha Dubey
Evaluation of INSAT-3DR sounder derived atmospheric temperature retrievals over India using AIRS, COSMIC-2,High-Resolution ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting) Analyses products and radiosonde measurements
6.09Hao Hu
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre
The Cloud-dependent 1DVAR Algorithm for Retrieving Precipitation from FengYun-3D/E Microwave Sounders

15:25-15.55 Health break

15:55-16:25 Session 7: Geo Hyperspectral Sounder Assimilation
Chair-persons: Stéphanie Guedj and Joel Bedard
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
7p.01Chris Burrows
Initial assessment of GIIRS on board FY-4B
7p.02Yufen Ma
Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration
Accuracy evaluation of GIIRS/FY-4A retrieved temperature profile in the Taklimakan Desert
7p.03Erica McGrath-Spangler
Global NWP Impacts of Infrared Sounders from Geostationary Orbit
7p.04Niobe Peinado-Galán
Non-linear Retrieval of atmospheric vertical profiles from MTG-IRS data
7p.05Haofei Sun
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nonlinear bias correction of FY-4A GIIRS radiance observations based on EEMD-MLP
7p.06Qian Xie
Lanzhou University
Impact of assimilating atmospheric motion vectors from Himawari-8 and clear-sky radiance from FY-4A GIIRS on binary typhoons
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes) 
7.01Olivier Coopmann
CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France and CNRS
Project to assimilate the future MTG-IRS sounder into the mesoscale NWP model
7.02Ke Chen
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Evaluation of the Potential Impact to the Prediction of Typhoon of Geostationary Microwave Sounder using the GRAPES 4D-Var
16:25-16:55 General discussion: Future format for ITSCs
Chair-persons: Vincent Guidard and Liam Gumley  
16:55-17:50 Session 8: Small Satellites
Chair-persons: Mary Borderies and Kristen Bathmann
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
8p.01Bill Blackwell
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
TROPICS Pathfinder On-orbit Results and Preparations for the NASA TROPICS Constellation Mission
8p.02Thomas Carrel Billiard
Evaluating the impact of the CMIM satellite constellation on NWP using an OSSE framework
8p.03David Duncan
Initial Evaluation of TROPICS Radiances in the IFS
8p.04Stephanie Guedj
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Implementation of a Regional Observing System Simulation Experiments to assess the potential impact of the EPS-Sterna constellation in AROME-Arctic NWP system
8p.05Flavio Iturbide (for Min-Jeong Kim)
Impact Assessment of Microwave Sounder Observations on Small Satellites in The NOAA Global NWP and MIRS 1D-Var Systems
8p.06Louis Rivoire
CNRM (CNRS – Météo-France)
A global Observing System Simulation Experiment to evaluate the impact of the EPS-Sterna constellation of microwave sounders
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
8.01Katie Lean
Assessing potential future constellations of small satellites carrying microwave sounders using the Ensemble of Data Assimilations method
8.02Magnus Lindskog
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Preparing for and evaluating the arctic weather satellite data in the nordic limited-area numerical weather prediction systems
8.03William Campbell
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
A Strategy for Assimilating Data from Microsats

Saturday 18 March 2023

8:55 Weather briefing (Met Norway)

9:00-12:00Working group meetings (10:15-10:45 Health break)
Advanced Sounders
Radiative transfer and surface properties
13:15-16:15Working group meetings (14:45-15:15 Health break)
Products and Software
International and Future Systems
16:30-17:30Technical sub-group meeting

Sunday 19 March 2023

Day Free

19:00 Banquet

Monday 20 March 2023

8:25 Weather briefing (Met Norway)

8:30-10:05 Session 9: All-sky Assimilation
Chair-persons: Katie Lean and Vincent Guidard
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
9.01Sihye Lee
Framework for assimilating all-sky MHS radiance data in the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) forecast system
9.02Zhiquan (Jake) Liu
National Center for Atmospheric Research
JEDI-MPAS: facilitating research to operation for all-sky radiance data assimilation
9.03Mary Borderies
CNRM, Météo-France et CNRS
Propagating non linearities of the observation operator for microwave radiances within an all-sky data assimilation system
9.04Kozo Okamoto
All-sky assimilation of infrared radiances at water vapor bands of Himawari-8 in the global data assimilation system at JMA
9.05David Duncan
Optimising All-sky Assimilation of Microwave Humidity Sounders
9.06Gregory Thompson
All-Sky Geostationary Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation in JEDI Using CRTM
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
9p.01Brett Candy
UK Met Office
A sensitivity Study into the representation of ice particles for all sky assimilation at 183 GHZ
9p.02Azadeh Gholoubi Khonacha
The Plan for the All-sky Radiance Assimilation over Land in the NCEP Global Model
9p.03Han-Byeol Jeong
All-sky data assimilation in the KIM LETKF system
9p.04Emily Liu
A Revised All-sky Radiance Assimilation Framework in the NCEP Global Model
9p.05Hiroyuki Shimizu
Japan Meteorological Agency
Development for all-sky assimilation of JAXA’s future microwave sensor AMSR3 in the JMA’s NWP systems

10:05-10:35 Health break

10:35-12:00 Session 10: Surface
Chair-persons: Eva Borbas and Tracy Scanlon
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
10p.02Eva Borbas
UW-Madison SSEC
The Version 3 NASA MEaSUREs CAMEL Products and its developments
10p.03David Duncan
AMSU-A Window Channel Assimilation
10p.04Lingli He
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Center
Improved Microwave Ocean Emissivity and Reflectivity Models Derived from the Two-scale Roughness Theory 
10p.05James Jung
CIMSS / UW-Madison
Reduced Global Sea Surface Temperature Biases from Upgrades to the CRTM Infrared Sea Surface Emissivity Model
10p.06Jisoo Kim
Ewha Womans University
Pre-processing of Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Sea Ice Observations for Data Assimilation and its impact on Korean Integrated Model
10p.08Stuart Newman
UK Met Office
PARMIO: A reference quality model for ocean emissivity and backscatter from microwave to infrared wavelengths
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
10.01Niama Boukachaba
Morgan State University/ NASA GSFC/ GMAO
Toward improving the assimilation of IASI and CrIS radiances over land into the NASA GEOS: LST Inversion and Validation
10.03Nicholas Nalli
Development and Implementation of a Physical Thermal Infrared Emissivity Model for Uniform Snow Surfaces within CRTM
10.04Stephanie Guedj
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Assimilation of MW low-peaking channels in HARMONIE-AROME at high latitudes
10.05Hongyi Xiao
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre
Assimilation of AMSU-A Near-Surface Channels in CMA_GFS 4DVar over Land
12:00-12:15 Session 11: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
                    Session 12: Observation operator and Observation errors
Chair-persons: Thomas Auligné and Reima Eresmaa
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
11p.03Mohamed Dahoui
Use of Machine learning for the detection and classification of observation anomalies
11p.04Hyeon-Ju Jeon
Estimating the observation impact based on attentive 3d-convolutional RNN
11p.05Eun-Jin Kim
A Study on Machine Learning-Based Quality Control Techniques for the Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation
11p.07Ashim Mitra
India Meteorological Department
A non linear approach for temperature retrieval from AMSU-A measurements onboard NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 satellites and a case study during Gonu cyclone
12p.02Andrew Collard
Plans to transition the NCEP data assimilation system to JEDI
12p.03Sylvain Heilliette
Bias correction of high peaking microwave temperature sounding channels at Environment Canada
12p.04Hyeyoung Kim
A new strategy to stabilize bias correction of satellite radiance observation in KPOP
12p.05Ahreum Lee
A new IASI channel selection method for the KIM data assimilation system
12p.06Olaf Stiller
A highly efficient DFS-score based channel selection method suitable for nondiagonal R matrices and the parallel processing of large numbers of atmospheric profiles
12p.07David Tobin
Hybrid PCA representation of CrIS data

12:15-13:15 LUNCH

13:15-13:45 Poster viewing (Sessions 9, 10, 11, 12)

13:45-15:00 Session 11: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Chair-persons: Thomas Auligné and Philippe Chambon
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
11.01Flavio Iturbide (for Sid Boukabara)
Can we Design NWP Data Assimilation Based Entirely on AI Techniques? Assessing Advantages and Challenges
11.02Wei Han
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre
Constrained Deep learning Bias Correction (CDBC) for Satellite Radiances in Data Assimilation
11.03Chris Burrows
A neural network approach to cloud detection in NWP
11.05Lei Bi
Zhejiang University
Optical Properties of Nonspherical Particles: Physical Models and Machine Learning
11.06Leonhard Scheck
Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research / LMU Munich
Neural network-based methods for simulating cloud- and aerosol-affected solar satellite channels

15:00-15:15 Group photo

15:15-15:45 Health break

15:45-16:15 General discussion: Future election for ITWG Co-chairs
Chair-persons: Liam Gumley and Vincent Guidard
16:15-17:45 Session 12: Observation operator and Observation error
Chair-persons: Reima Eresmaa and Erin Jones
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
12.01Kirsti Salonen
Investigations on scene dependent observation errors accounting residual cloud contamination for hyperspectral IR
12.02Jun Yang
Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research / LMU Munich
Evaluation of Assimilation and Prediction Effects of Different Satellite Observation Operators in CMA-GFS
12.03Mate Mile
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Exploring a microwave radiance footprint operator in an Arctic data assimilation system
12.04Xavier Calbet
Quantification of inhomogenous water vapor concentration effects in IR and MW radiation biases comparing observed versus calculated radiances (sondes + RTTOV)
12.05Xiaoyan Zhang
Satellite Bias Correction in the NOAA’s Next Generation Regional Model – Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS)
12.06Cristina Lupu
Estimation of the error covariance matrix for IASI reconstructed radiances and its impact at ECMWF

Tuesday 21 March 2023

8:25 Weather briefing (Met Norway)

08:30-9:40 Session 13: Earth System Approach
Chair-persons: Christina Köpken-Watts and David Tobin
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
13.01Thomas Auligné
JCSDA next-generation Earth system data assimilation
13.02Hyun-sung Jang
NASA LaRC / National Institute of Aerospace
Impact of a priori contribution on CO retrievals from infrared hyperspectral measurements
13.03Tracy Scanlon
Further exploiting MW and IR radiances through extracting and using ocean skin temperature information in a coupled ocean-atmosphere system
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
13p.01Robin Faulwetter
Updates of radiance forward modelling in the DWD system
13p.02Chawn Harlow
Met Office
Multi-year changes in IASI LST biases and inter-channel error covariances seen in the Met Office Global NWP System
13p.03Dirceu Herdies
National Institute for Space Research – INPE
The detection of the South America Tropopause Aerosol Layer over the Amazon region
13p.04Xu Liu
NASA Langley Research Center
All-sky Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature, Water Vapor, Clouds, Trace Gases, and Surface Properties from Operational Hyperspectral IR Sounders
13p.06Daniel Zhou
NASA Langley Research Center
NAST-I for air quality monitoring and wildfire-related research
9:40-10:15 Session 14: Space Agency reports
Chair-persons: Dorothée Coppens and Agnes Lim
Poster introductions (Presentations 5 minutes, 2 slides)
14p.01Heikki Pohjola
The Current Status and The Future Development Plans of WMO OSCAR/Space (poster)
14p.02Kozo Okamoto
Status report of space agency: JMA and JAXA (poster)
14p.04Peng Zhang  
14p.06Lihang Zhou
NOAA (poster)

10:15-10:45 Health break

10:45-12:05 Session 15: Data Impact Studies
Chair-persons: Fiona Smith and Magnus Lindskog
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
15p.01Chris Burrows
Assimilating short-wave infrared radiances from CrIS at ECMWF
15p.02Zhenglong Li (for Di Di)
Can the current hyperspectral infrared sounders capturing the small scale atmospheric water vapor spatial gradients?
15p.03Robin Faulwetter
Humidity sensitive Radiances and constrained bias correction in the DWD System
15p.04Nadia Fourrié
CNRM Meteo-France and CNRS
What is the real benefit of assimilating IASI within the Météo-France global model ARPEGE?
15p.05Nadia Fourrié for Robin Marty
CNRM Meteo-France and CNRS
Preparing the assimilation of IASI-NG within the Météo-France global model ARPEGE using an OSSE framework
15p.06Nahidul Hoque Samrat
Bureau of Meteorology
Impact Assessment of Himawari-8 AHI radiance assimilation and VarBC application in the ACCESS-C model
15p.07Dorothée Coppens (for Tim Hultberg)
The revival of L2 assimilation. Radiances or profiles? That is the question!
15p.08Bryan Karpowicz
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Improving CrIS Infrared Assimilation in the GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
15p.09ZeTing Li
Center for Earth System Modeling and Prediction of CMA
Assimilation of HY-2B SMR radiance observations using GRAPES 4DVAR at CMA
15p.10Zhenglong Li
Challenges in CrIS shortwave radiance assimilation
15p.11Haixia Liu
Updates on Clear-Sky Radiance Assimilation from Geostationary Satellites at NCEP
15p.12Stefano Migliorini
Met Office
Assimilation of Transformed Retrievals from IASI radiances at the Met Office: current results and future perspectives
15p.13Indira Rani Sukumara Pillai
Preparedness of the DA system for the assimilation of Microsat-2B MHS radiances at NCMRWF
15p.14Kirsti Salonen
Impact assessment of IASI temperature and humidity retrievals in the ECMWF system with scene dependent observation operators
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
15.01Nancy Baker
Naval Research Lab
What is a good mix of observations?
15.02Sumit Kumar
Multi-year impact assessment of satellite observations in NCMRWF operational Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system
15.03Fuzhong Weng
CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre
Assimilation of FengYun Satellite Data in CMA-GFS Using Advanced Radiative Transfer Modeling System (ARMS)
15.04Liam Steele
FY-3E Microwave Sensors Evaluation at ECMWF
12:05-12:15 Session 16: International
                     Session 17: Future Systems
Chair-persons: Indira Rani and Nancy Baker
Poster introductions (Presentations 1 minute, no visual aid)
16p.01Simon Elliott
International Data Exchange and the transition to WMO’s WIS 2.0
17p.01Francisco Bermudo
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
IASI-NG Program: General Status Overview
17p.03Eric Jurado
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
IASI-NG mission performances and ground segment development status
17p.04Benjamin Ruston
JEDI Skylab Observation Evaluation and Use With Emerging Sensors
17p.05Fiona Smith
Bureau of Meteorology
A Microwave Sounding Mission for Australia

12:15-13:15 LUNCH

13:15-13:45 Poster viewing (Sessions 13, 14, 15, 16,17)

13:45-15:00 Session 15: Data Impact Studies (continued)
Chair-persons:Fiona Smith and Magnus Lindskog
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
15.05David Tobin
Channel Selection and Apodization considerations for Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Data
15.06Per Dahlgren
MET Norway
Impact of satellite data in a regional reanalysis system
15.07Indira Rani Sukumara Pillai
DBNet data reception, processing and assimilation at NCMRWF
15.08Erin Jones
On Expanding the Use of CrIS Observations in NOAA’s Global Systems: What Has Been, and Still Needs to Be, Done
15.09Thomas Deppisch
Studying the Interaction between NWP Models and Data Assimilation with Observing System Simulation Experiments – Case Studies with SEVIRI Data in ICON-LAM

15:00-15:30 Health break

15:30-16:45 Session 16: International
Chair-persons: Indira Rani and Bill Bell
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
16.01Heikki Pohjola
WMO Unified Data Policy and Core Satellite Data
16.02Mikael Rattenborg
Status of the Direct Broadcast Network for globally coordinated real-time acquisition, processing and fast delivery of satellite direct readout data, coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization
16.03Philippe Chambon
CNRM, Météo-France & CNRS
Research Highlights from the International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG)
16.04Mikael Rattenborg (for Mitch Goldberg)
Report from CGMS
16.05Benjamin Ruston 
Update from the International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG)
16:45-17:30 Session 17: Future Systems
Chair-persons: Nancy Baker and Jérôme Vidot
Oral presentations (Presentations 12 minutes + Questions 3 minutes)
17.01Kristen Bathmann
Spire Global
Initial Validation of the Hyperspectral Microwave Sensor
17.02Andrew Heidinger
Status of NOAA’s GeoXO Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder (GXS)
17.03Sreerekha Thonipparambil
An overview of EUMETSAT activities towards preparing users on the uptake of data from Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) and European Polar System – Second Generation (EPS-SG) missions

Wednesday 22 March 2023

8:30-8:45About future co-chair election (15 minutes)
8:45-8:50European Meteorological Society Young Scientist Award 
8:45-9:00ITWG Awards for best oral and poster presentations
9:00-10:00Working group reports (15 minutes)
Advanced Sounders
Products and Software 
Radiative transfer and surface properties
10:00-10:25Health break 
10:25-10:55Working group reports (15 minutes)
International and Future Systems
10:55-11:05Technical sub-group reports (5 minutes)