ITSC-17 Program
Wednesday 14 April 2010
8.00 | Registration (continues to 15:00) | |
8.30-9.00 | Welcome | Co-chairs Allen Huang, Stephen English |
An Overview Of The NRL Marine Meteorology Division Research | Nancy Baker | |
Local Arrangements | Nancy Baker, Ben Ruston | |
Review of agenda | Co-chairs |
Session 1: Generation and validation of meteorological and environmental products from sounder radiances
9.15-10.19 | Session 1 Oral Presentations |
Sid-Ahmed Boukabara and Jun Li |
10.20-10.45 BREAK
10:45-10:59 | Session 1 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Sid-Ahmed Boukabara and Jun Li |
1.5 | Joao Teixeira | Probing Trade-Wind Cumulus Boundary Layers with AIRS. |
1.6 | Lydie Lavanant | Comparison of MetOp IASI Cloud Products for Cloudy Radiances Assimilation. |
1.7 | François Faijan | Processing of IASI Cloudy Heterogeneous Scenes Using the AVHRR Radiances Analysis. |
1.8 | Tony Reale | Demonstration Poster for the NESDIS Validation System (NPROVS). |
1.9 | Christopher Down | The Australian Bureau of Meteorology Space-borne Infrared Sounder Validation Project. |
1.10 | Evan Fishbein | Characterizing Sub-footprint Variability in AIRS Radiances using MODIS. |
1.11 | Ouahid Aznay (for Filipe Aires) | Measurement and Exploitation of Multi-sensor and Multi-wavelength Synergy for Remote Sensing – Application to the Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapour from MetOp. |
11:00-11:32 | Session 1 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Sid-Ahmed Boukabara and Jun Li |
1.12 | William Blackwell | Hyperspectral Microwave Atmospheric Sounding. |
1.13 | Lihang Zhou | NPOESS Preparatory Project Validation Program for the Atmospheric Profile Data Products. |
11:32-11:46 | Session 1 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Sid-Ahmed Boukabara and Jun Li |
1.15 | Peter Wang | Assessment of Heavy Rainfall Retrieved from Microwave Instrument in Taiwan Area. (paper) |
1.16 | Stephen Tjemkes (for Paolo Antonelli) | Physically Based Level 2 and 3 Products Obtained from IASI Observations Processed with UWPHYSRET. |
1.17 | Devendra Singh | Satellite Application for Fog Detection During Day and Night Time. |
1.18 | Youri Plokhenko | Physical Aspects of Non-Linear Analysis and Interpretation of Hyperspectral Measurements from the AIRS Radiometer. |
1.19 | Thomas King | The NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Product Processing System (NUCAPS). |
1.20 | Brian Kahn | Multi-Moment Statistics of Cloud and Moist Conserved Variables from the A-Train. |
1.21 | Hartmut Aumann | Development of a Near Real-Time Aviation Alert System Using AIRS, Based on the Analysis of the Atmospheric Conditions at the Time of the Air France 447 Crash Using AIRS, TRMM and IASI Data. |
12.00-13.00 LUNCH
13.00-13.30 BREAK
Session 1 Generation and validation of meteorological and environmental products from sounder radiances (continued)
13:30-14:02 | Session 1 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Peter Schlüssel and Jeff Puschell |
14:02-14:14 | Session 1 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Peter Schlüssel and Jeff Puschell |
1.24 | Nikita Pougatchev | AIRS v. 5 Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals Characterization and Error Assessment. |
1.25 | Devendra Singh | Status of Current and Future Satellite Program and their Use for Agriculture Application. |
1.26 | Awdhesh Sharma | Web-based Skew-T Displays of GOES and POES Operational Atmospheric Soundings Added to the NOAA/NESDIS Operation. |
1.27 | Liam Gumley | Pre-Launch Evaluation of NPP/NPOESS VIIRS Atmosphere Environmental Data Records. |
1.28 | Ashim Mitra | A Neural Network Approach for Temperature Retrieval from AMSU-A Measurements Onboard NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 Satellites and a Case Study During ‘Gonu’ Cyclone. |
1.29 | Jeff Puschell | Soundings with Hyperspectral VIIRS |
Session 2: Atmospheric chemistry and air quality
14:14-14:20 | Session 2 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Thierry Phulpin and Xu Liu |
Session 2: Atmospheric chemistry and air quality
14:20-15:08 | Session 2 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Thierry Phulpin and Xu Liu |
2.4 | Sergey Uspensky (for Alexander Uspensky) | Possibilities for Retrieving the Ozone and Trace Gases from Data of Satellite IR Sounders IRFS-2 with High Spectral Resolution. |
2.5 | Thierry Phulpin | Major Results of IASI on Atmospheric Chemistry. |
2.6 | Anton Kaifel | First Results on Synergistic Ozone Profile Retrieval from GOME-2 and IASI Measurements with NNORSY. |
15.08-15.30 BREAK
15:30-16:18 | Session 2 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Thierry Phulpin and Dieter Klaes |
Session 3: Direct Broadcast, preprocessing and calibration of sounder radiances
This session is dedicated to the memory of Hal Woolf.
16:18-17:06 | Session 3 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Pascal Brunel and Liam Gumley |
19.15-21.30 Poster Viewing along with Icebreaker and remembrance of Hal Woolf
19:15-20:00 | Hal Woolf Memorial Session |
Chairs: Bill Smith, Paul Menzel, John Eyre, Roger Saunders, and Tom Achtor (Participating ITWG Former Co-chairs) |
20:00-20:30 | Session 3 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Pascal Brunel and Liam Gumley |
3.4 | Aniko Kern | Real-time Processing of Direct Broadcast MODIS Data in Hungary. |
3.5 | Liam Gumley | Virtual Appliance for Terra, Aqua, Metop, and POES Direct Broadcast Processing. |
3.6 | Kathleen Strabala | IMAPP: Promoting the Knowledge and Use of Remote Sensing Data. |
3.7 | Ruiyue Chen | Spectral and Radiometric Calibration of HIRS Using IASI on Metop Satellite. |
3.8 | Anna Booton | AAPP Developments for Metop, NOAA-19 and NPP. |
3.9 | Denise Hagan | Cross-Track Infrared Sounder Pre-Launch Calibration and On-Orbit Validation Plans. |
3.10 | Christelle Ponsard | Evolution of the EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission Service (EARS). |
3.11 | Richard Kelley | Draft ITU-R Report : Passive Bands of Interest to EESS/SRS from 275 to 3,000 GHz. |
3.12 | Vladimir Zavyalov | Using IASI Radiances to Generate Proxy Data Set to Test CrIS SDR Algorithm. |
3.13 | Yi Song | A BUFR and GRIB Tailoring System for NPP/NPOESS Products. |
3.14 | Bo-Ra Kim | Use of IASI Measurements to Calibrate MODIS and AMSU-B Water Vapor Channels. |
3.15 | Walter Wolf | The Status of Hyperspectral Product Systems at STAR. |
3.16 | Jerome Lafeuille | Status and Plans for the Global RARS Network |
3.17 | B.J. Sohn | Use of Cloud Targets to Examine the Calibration Status of Satellite Visible Channels: Application to Meteosat-8/9 and MTSAT-1R. |
20.30-21.30 Session 1, 2, 3 Poster Viewing
Thursday 15 April 2010
Session 4 Atmospheric radiative transfer
8:30-8:38 | Session 4 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Paul van Delst and Marco Matricardi |
4.1 | Jonathan Taylor | IASI 1dvar Using PC Radiative Transfer. |
4.2 | Paul van Delst | ATMS NPP Preparation in the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM): Spectral Response Function Analysis. |
4.3 | Allen Huang | High-spectral Resolution Radiative Transfer Model Performance Comparison – CPU vs. GPU. |
4.4 | Nicole Jacquinet | The GEISA Database 2009 Archive: An Assessment of Spectroscopic Parameters Through IASI Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Applications. |
8:38-9:26 | Session 4 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Paul van Delst and Marco Matricardi |
Session 5 Surface property modelling and sensing
9:26-10:30 | Session 5 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Fred Prata and Fatima Karbou |
10:30-10.50 BREAK
10:50-11:10 | Session 5 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Fred Prata and Fatima Karbou |
5.5 | Paul van Delst | Implementation of a New Infrared Sea Surface Emissivity Model in the Community Radiative Transfer Model. |
5.6 | Stephen English | Improved Use of AIRS, IASI and AMSU-A over Land. |
5.7 | Stuart Newman | Sea Ice Emissivities and Effective Temperatures at AMSU-B Frequencies: An Analysis of Airborne Microwave Data Measured During Two Campaigns. |
5.8 | Fred Prata | Land Surface Temperature Determination from the ATSR-Family of Instruments and the Sentinel-3 SLSTR. |
5.9 | Zhaohui Cheng | Infrared Land Surface Emissivity Regression Retrieval Algorithm. |
5.10 | Stephanie Guedj | Towards the Assimilation of SEVIRI Observations over Land. |
5.11 | Stephen English (for Mark Liu) | An Improved Fast Microwave Sea Surface Emissivity Model, FASTEM4. |
5.12 | Thomas Kleespies | Footprint Matching for the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder. |
5.13 | Sergey Uspensky | Retrieving the Atmospheric Temperature/Humidity Profiles and Temperature / Emissivity of Land Surface Using the High Spectral Resolution Data from IR Satellite Sensor IRFS-2. |
5.14 | Nicole Jacquinet (for Virginie Capelle) | Infrared Continental Surface Emissivity Spectra and Skin Temperature Retrieved from IASI Observations. |
11:10-11:58 | Session 5 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Fred Prata and Fatima Karbou |
12:00-13.00 LUNCH
13.00-13.30 BREAK
13:30-14:18 | Session 6 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Roger Saunders and John Bates |
6.1 | Paul Menzel | Inferring Global Cloud Cover Properties and Trends from Thirty Years of HIRS Data. (Paper) |
6.2 | Antonia Gambacorta | Using Hyperspectral Sounders for Climate Applications. |
6.3 | John Bates | NOAA’S Climate Data Record Project – An Update of Status and Progress. |
Action Items from ITSC-16
14:20-15:05 | ITSC-16 Action items presented by ITSC-16 WG co-chairs (15 minutes each) Moderators: Allen Huang and Stephen English RT (Louis Garand) Climate (Joerg Schulz) NWP — tables (Godelieve Deblonde) |
15:05-15:30 | BREAK |
15:30-16:15 | Advanced IR Sounders (Andrew Collard) International and Future Systems (Jerome Lafeuille) Satellite Sounder Science and Products (Tony Reale) |
16:15-16:55 | Technical sub-group reports (10 minutes each) ATOVS direct broadcast packages (Liam Gumley) RTTOV (Roger Saunders) CRTM (Paul van Delst) Frequency protection (Richard Kelley) Remote Sensing and Modeling of Surface Properties (Ben Ruston) |
16.55-17.30 Working group formation
19:30-21:00 Session 4 and 5 Poster Viewing
Friday 16 April 2010
Session 6 Climate Studies
8.30-9:50 | Session 6 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Roger Saunders and John Bates |
9:50-10:12 | Session 6 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Roger Saunders and John Bates |
6.9 | Eric Maddy | On the Temporal Stability of AIRS Temperature Retrievals: Trace Gas Initialization Effects. |
6.10 | Roger Saunders | A Consistent Monitoring of Satellite Radiance Biases for GSICS. |
6.11 | Nathalie Selbach | An Overview of the Operational Processing at the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring. |
6.12 | Mitch Goldberg | Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) Sensor Intercomparisons and Corrections. |
6.13 | Carl Mears | A Monte-Carlo Approach to Estimating Uncertainty in MSU/AMSU Climate Data. |
6.14 | Eric Fetzer | Creating Long-Term Water Vapor and Temperature Records with AIRS and other Data Sources. |
6.15 | Peter Thorne | GCOS Reference Upper Air Network: a Status Update. |
6.16 | Martin Stengel | The Intercomparison of IASI Water Vapour Retrieval Schemes under Climate Monitoring Aspects. |
6.17 | Nicole Jacquinet (for Claudia Stubenrauch) | Global Cloud Climatologies from Satellite-based InfraRed Sounders (TOVS, AIRS and IASI). |
6.18 | Eui-Seok Chung | The Radiative Signature of Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration in HIRS Measurements. |
6.19 | Ramesh Singh | Advancing and Retreat of Himalayan Glaciers Based on the Increasing Trend of Anthropogenic Activities in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. |
10.12-10.40 BREAK
Session 7 Current Use in NWP
10:40-10:56 | Session 7 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: John Eyre and Steve Swadley |
7.1 | Kozo Okamoto | Recent Developments in Satellite Data Assimilation at JMA. (Paper) |
7.2 | Stephen English | Operational Status Report – UK Met Office. |
7.3 | Bjarne Amstrup | Status of ATOVS Usage in the DMI-HIRLAM Operational Analyses. |
7.4 | Detlef Pingel | Use of Satellite Radiance Data in the Global Meteorological Model of the German Weather Service (DWD). (Paper) |
7.5 | Chris Tingwell | Operational Satellite Data Assimilation in ACCESS. |
7.6 | Yongsang Kim | The New NWP System at KMA and its Use of Satellite Radiance Data. |
7.7 | Peter Bauer | Status of Satellite Data Assimilation at ECMWF. |
7.8 | Wei Han | The Use Of Satellite Data In Chinese New GFS. |
10:56-12:00 | Session 7 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: John Eyre and Steve Swadley |
12:00-13.00 LUNCH
13:00-13:30 BREAK
13:30-13:52 | Session 7 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: John Eyre and Steve Swadley |
7.13 | Andrew Collard | Prospects for the Assimilation of Advanced Infrared Sounder Radiances over Land. |
7.14 | William Campbell | AMSU-A Bias Correction for COAMPS/NAVDAS. |
7.15 | Vincent Guidard | Assimilation of Satellite Data over Antarctica in the Framework of the Concordiasi Campaign. |
7.16 | Vincent Guidard | Evaluation of IASI Inter-Channel Observation Error Covariances. |
7.17 | Niels Bormann | Of Chessboards and Ghosts: Signatures of Micro-Vibrations in IASI Monitoring in NWP? (paper) |
7.18 | Niels Bormann | Assimilation of NOAA-19 Data – The Pinnacle of ATOVS Data at ECMWF? (paper) |
7.19 | Nadia Fourrie | Data Impact Experiments Using IASI Observations During the Extratropical Transitions of Huricanes Gustav, Hannah and Ike in the Atlantic. |
7.20 | Brett Candy | Use of Variable Observation Errors in Radiance Assimilation. |
7.21 | Brett Candy | Mesospheric Assimilation Studies with SSMIS Channels. |
7.22 | Roger Randriamampianina | Radiance Single Observation Experiments Using Global and Regional Models. (Paper) |
7.23 | Roger Randriamampianina | The Relative Impact of Satellite Observations in the HARMONIE/Norway Regional Model (Paper) |
13:52-14:56 | Session 7 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Dirceu Herdies and Kozo Okamoto |
15:00-15:30 BREAK
15:30-15:50 | Session 7 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Dirceu Herdies and Kozo Okamoto |
7.28 | Dirceu Herdies | Impact of TRMM Precipitation on Regional Analysis over South America. |
7.29 | John Le Marshall | Improvements in NWP from Increased Use of the Information Content of Ultraspectral Observations. |
7.30 | Li Bi | Impact of Satellite Surface Wind Observations on the Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts in the NRL NAVDAS/COAMPS and NRL NAVDAS-AR/NOGAPS Mesoscale and Global Data Assimilation and NWP Systems. |
7.31 | Stephen Macpherson | Experiments with Increased Analysis Resolution and Satellite Radiance Data Volume in the GEM Global Deterministic Prediction System. |
7.32 | Peter Bauer | Direct Assimilation of All-sky Microwave Radiances at ECMWF. |
7.33 | Alain Beaulne | Experiments with New Data Sources in the GEM Global Deterministic Prediction System. |
7.34 | Fatima Karbou | Impact Studies Towards the Use of SSM/I Observations over Land in the French Global Model. |
7.35 | Wei Han | Bias Correction of Window Channels on Microwave and Infrared Sounders. |
7.36 | Bill Bell | Plans for the Assimilation of Cloudy Infrared Radiances. |
7.37 | Jonathan Taylor | Utilisation of IASI Data in a Cloudy Atmosphere. |
16:00-18:00 Sessions 6 and 7 Poster Viewing
18:00-19:15Tom Achtor McIDAS Presentation and Demonstration
Saturday 17 April 2010
9.00-12.00 | Working Groups |
12.00-13.00 | LUNCH |
19:30-21:00 | Working groups (or as arranged by WG co-chairs) |
Monday 19 April 2010
Session 7: Current use in NWP (continued)
8:30-10:06 | Session 7 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Tom Kleespies and Fiona Hilton |
10:06-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:50 | Session 7 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Tom Kleespies and Fiona Hilton |
12.00-13.00 LUNCH
13.00-13.30 BREAK
13:30-14:18 | Session 7 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Tom Kleespies and Fiona Hilton |
14:18-15:00 | Session 8: Agency status report poster presentations (5 mins) |
Chairs: Mitch Goldberg and Jerome Lafeuille |
8.1 | Dieter Klaes | EUMETSAT Plans (Poster) (Paper) |
8.2 | Thierry Phulpin | CNES Programmes For Meteorology, Climate And Atmospheric Composition |
8.3 | Kozo Okamoto | JMA and JAXA |
8.4 | Sergey Uspensky | Russia |
8.5 | Pradeep Thapliyal | India |
8.6 | Mitch Goldberg | NOAA |
8.7 | Jun Li | China |
15:00-15:30 BREAK
Session 9: Future Sounders
15:30-15:40 | Session 9 Poster Presentations |
Chairs: Pete Wilczynski and Dieter Klaes |
9.1 | Louis Garand | Continuous Imaging of the Arctic from the Polar Communications and Weather Mission. |
9.2 | Bill Bell | Study on the Spectral and Radiometric Requirements for a European post-EPS Microwave Imaging Mission. |
9.3 | Stephen Tjemkes | On the Apodisation of MTG-IRS. |
9.4 | Stephen English | Evaluation of the Potential of a Geostationary IR Sounder. |
9.5 | Sergey Uspensky (for Alexander Uspensky) | Development of a New Generation Meteorological Satellites Based on Polar Orbiting Platform of “METEOR-M” Series. |
15.40-16.40 Session 8 and 9 poster viewing
16.40-17.30 Working groups finalise reports
Tuesday 20 April 2010
Session 9: Future sounders and programs
8:30-10:06 | Session 9 Oral Presentations |
Chairs: Pete Wilczynski and Dieter Klaes |
10:06-10:25 BREAK
Working Group Reports | |
Co-chairs: Allen Huang and Stephen English |
- RT
- Climate
- Advanced IR Sounders
- International and Future Systems
- Satellite Sounder Science and Products
Future meetings, other events relevant to ITWG Closing remarks | |
Co-chairs: Allen Huang and Stephen English |