ITSC-12 Program
Wednesday 27 February 2002
Session 1a: TOVS/SSM (Chair: Le Marshall)
1a1 Deblonde: Comparison of the sounding and imaging capabilities of the SSMIS and AMSU
1a2 Bennartz and Thoss: Precipitation classification and analysis from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU)
1a3 Li and Weng: Correction of cloud contamination on AMSU measurements: a modeling study
1a4 Reale: ATOVS operational science status and plans
15:20 – 15:50 BREAK
Session 1b: ATOVS/SSM (Chair: Rochard)
1b1 Stephens and Engelen: CO2 retrievals from IR sounding measurements and its influence on temperature retrievals
1b2 Weng (Fuzhong): Advances in AMSU non-sounding products and microwave forward modeling
Session 2a: ATOVS and TOVS in NWP (Chair: Chouinard)
2a1 Baker: The application of observation adjoint sensitivity to satellite assimilation problems
2a2 Chevallier, Bauer and Moreau: Potential of the SSM/I rain observations for 4D-Var assimilation
2a3 Derber: The use of radiance data in the NCEP global and regional; data assimilation systems
Thursday 28 February 2002
Session 2b: ATOVS/TOVS in NWP (Chair: Eyre)
2b1 English, Jones, Smith, Hilton and Whyte: ATOVS and SSM/I assimilation at the Met Office
2b2 Kelly, Bauer and Uppala: Improved assimilation of AMSU/HIRS/VTPR radiances in the ECMWF system
2b3 Chouinard, Hall, Charette and Sarazin: Recent improvements in the use of TOVS satellite radiances in the unified 3D-var system of the Canadian Meteorological Centre
2b4 Gerard, Rabier, Dahoui and Sahlaoui: Use of global ATOVS and SSM/I at Meteo-France
Additional Material
2b5 Harris, Bourke, Paevere and Steinle: Extending 1Dvar/ GASP to 0.1 hPa and the assimilation of 1C AMSU-A data
2b6 Joiner, Frank, da Silva, Bosilovich and Radacovich: Assimilation of cloud- and land-affected TOVS/ATOVS level 1b data at DAO
10:00 – 10:20 BREAK
Session 2c: ATOVS/TOVS in NWP (Chair: Menzel)
2c1 Koepken, Kelly and Thepaut: Assimilation of geostationary radiances within the 4Dvar system at ECMWF
2c2 Okamoto: Recent developments in assimilation of ATOVS at JMA
2c3 Prasad, Paliwal, Das Gupta, and Rajan: Recent advances in utilization of ATOVS and SSM/I data in the operational global data assimilation of India
Session 3a: ATOVS/TOVS in climate studies (Chair: Uddstrom)
3a1 Bates: Variability in upper tropospheric humidity and water cycle dynamics using TOVS data
3a2 Chedin, Hollingsworth, Scott, Serrar, Crevoisier and Armante: Annual and seasonal variations of atmospheric CO2, N2O and CO concentrations retrieved from NOAA/TOVS satellite observations
3a3 Menzel and Wylie: HIRS observations of a decline in NH winter clouds since 1997
Additional Material
12:20 – 14:20 LUNCH
Session 3b: ATOVS/TOVS in climate studies (Chair: Joiner)
3b1 Prata, Bates and Jackson: A new method for the retrieval of upper troposphere/ lower stratosphere sulfur dioxide from global long-term TOVS measurements
3b2 Goldberg: Ensuring consistency between AMSU-A climate temperature retrieval products from NOAA-15 and NOAA-16P
Session 4a: Preparation for advanced sounders (Chair: Joiner)
4a1 Smith, Zhou and Larar: Advanced sounder capabilities : airborne demonstration with NAST-I
4a2 Wolf, Goldberg, Zhou, Qu and Divarkala: A fully operational AIRS processing and distribution system
4a3 Goldberg, McMillin, Wolf, Zhou, Qu and Divakarla: AIRS radiance and geophysical products: methodology and validation
4a4 Huang: Planned hyperspectral imaging and sounding research for Indian Ocean under GIFTS-IOMI project
16:00 – 16:20 BREAK
Radiative transfer and surface property modelling
ATOVS/TOVS in climate studies
Advanced Infrared Sounders
International issues and future systems
Satellite sounder science and products
16:50 – 17:30 POSTER INTRODUCTIONS (Chairs: Bates/ Reale)
(Introductions each 1 minute duration and maximum of one viewgraph.)
17:30 – 19:20 POSTERS
Friday 1 March 2002
08:00 – 09:30 AGENCY STATUS REPORTS (Chairs: Le Marshall / Rochard)
Relations with other bodies:
IRC (Smith, 5 min)
CGMS (Menzel, 5 min)
WMO (Hinsman 5 min)
GRP (Bates)
Reports on issues raised at ITSC – XI
Frequency protection (Rochard, 5 min)
Re-analysis at NCEP (Derber, 5 min)
Re-analysis at ECMWF (Kelly, 5 min)
Re-analysis at GSFC (Joiner, 5 min)
TOVS Pathfinder (Goldberg, 5 min)
Review of actions from ITSC – XI (30 min)
Any other items / discussion
Session 4b: Preparation for advanced sounders (Chair: Kleespies)
4b1 McNally, Fourrie, Matricardi, Thepaut and Watts: Progress towards an assimilation strategy for AIRS at ECMWF
4b2 Collard and Saunders: Assimilation of AIRS data at the Met Office
10:10 – 10:30 BREAK
Session 4c: Preparation for advanced sounders (Chair: Hinsman)
4c1 Frank, Joiner, Atlas and Stajner: Plans for assimilating AQUA data at NASA’s DAO
4c2 Li, Schmidt, Huang and Menzel: Studies of advanced baseline sounder for future Geostationary Environmental Operational Satellite (GOES)
4c3 Rabier and Fourrie: Channel selection for IASI in clear-sky conditions
4c4 Thepaut and Fourrie: Information content and optimal channel selection for AIRS P
4c5 Lavanant: CMS cloud processing in IASI context
12:10 – 14:10 LUNCH
Session 5: Future systems – agency plans (Chair: Lavanant)
5-1: Menzel: NOAA’s plans for satellites: 2001 and beyond
5-2: Smith: NASA’s plans for future sounding systems (15 min.)
5-3: Klaes: EUMETSAT future plans (PPT) (PDF version)
5-4: Zhang: Considerations on sounding instruments, future Chinese satellites (15 min.)
5-5: Uspensky: Sounding instruments, future Russian meteorological satellites (15 min.)
Session 5a: Future systems (Chair: Lavanant)
5a1 Bloom: The Cross-track Infrared and Microwave Sounder (CrIMMS): a sensor suite for operational meteorological; remote sensing
5a2 Chauhan: NPOESS conical microwave imager/sounder: a next-generation sensor
15:55 – 16:15 BREAK
Session 5b: Future systems (Chair: Kelly)
5b1 Gasiewski: The Geosynchronous Microwave (GEM) Sounder/Imager
5b2 Glumb and Predina: The Cross-track Infrared Sounder: Sensor design and projected performance
Additional material
5b3 Phulpin, Cayla, Chalon, Casse, Diebel and Schluessel: IASI on board METOP: Project status and scientific preparation
17:00 – 18:35 Presentation on software packages (Chairs: Rochard/ Le Marshall)
AAPP and ICI (Klaes/Whyte, Lavanant): Whyte, Labrot and Schraidt: The ATOVS and AVHRR Processing Package: current capability and future evolution
IAPP (Achtor)
RTATOV (Saunders, Matricardi, Brunel, English and Deblonde: RTTOV-7 : a satellite radiance simulation for the new millenium)
MODIS/AIRS/AMSU (AMSR) (Huang, Menzel)
3I/3 (Armante)
Technical subgroup formation
Saturday 2 March 2002
Working Group meetings
Sunday 3 March 2002
Working Group Meetings
Session 5c: Future systems (Chair: Goldberg)
5c1 Zhang Wenjian: FY-3A: progress and direct broadcast characteristics
5c2 Wilczynski (pres. by Bloom): The National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP): Mission concept and status.
5c3 Menzel: NPP instruments and direct broadcast plans
Additional material
5c4 Coronado: HRD in situ ground system : Bridging technologies between EOS, NPP and the future
5c5 Sprunger, Archer and Johnson: Geostationary sounding: Current and future GOES sounders
Session 6a: Scientific studies and development: cloud and moisture (Chair: Goldberg)
6a1 Prunet and Tournier: Variational cloud decontamination and extension to the component estimation of the IASI measurements
Additional material: PPT, MS Word
Monday 4 March 2002
Session 6b: Scientific studies and development : cloud and moisture soundings and applications (Chair: Garand)
6b1 Romano and Cuomo: Retrieval of cloud parameters from the new sensor generation satellite multispectral measurements
6b2 Stubenrauch, Raedel, Eddounia, Holz, Scott and Mitchell: Studying cirrus mean effective ice crystal sizes using satellite TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) observations
6b3 Garand and Wagneur: Assimilation of GOES imager channels at MSC
6b4 Andrews, Oliver, Zheng and Uddstrom: The impact of data assimilation on a mesoscale model of the New Zealand region
6b5 Joo: The usage of ATOVS in Korea Meteorological Administration
6b6 Randriamampianina and Rabier: Regional use of locally received ATOVS radiances in NWP
6b7 Silvestre Espinoza: Comparation of error analysis in 3D-Var, for assimilation of radiances and retrievals using NOAA-14
6b8 Tingwell, Harris and Bourke: ATOVS 1D-Var retrieval in the Australian region LAPS data assimilation and prediction system
10:00 – 10:25 BREAK
Session 6c: Scientific studies and development: soundings and applications (Chair: Zhang Wenjian)
6c1 Schyberg, Amstrup, Gustaffson, Jarvinen, Landelius, Lindskog: Use of ATOVS in HIRLAM 3-D Var
6c2 Bower, Lynch and Knuteson: The validation of land surface thermodynamic properties retrieved by atmospheric sounders
6c3 Monnier, Lavanant, Brunel, Labrot and Rochard: Temperature, humidity and surface emissivity retrieval experiments with IASI simulated data
6c4 Le Marshall et al.: GIFTS IOMI:High spectral, temporal and spatial resolution data collection and application
6c5 Plokhenko and Menzel: Analysis of NAST-I measurement characteristics
6c6 Glumb, Predina, Lietzke and Xu Liu: EDR algorithms for the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
Additional material
6c7 Fourrie: Use of advanced infrared sounders in cloudy conditions
12:05 – 14:05 LUNCH
Session 6d Scientific studies and developments : development, training and data (Chair: Saunders)
6d1 Mukabana: Towards an alternative technique in upper air monitoring in Kenya (20 minutes)
6d2 Wilson: The Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Meteorology: An Opportunity for collaborative education and training
6d3 Overton: The National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS): Access to NPOESS data
6d4 Tabor: Future data processing at the Information Processing Division (IPD) of the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)
6d5 Tournier, Blumstein and Cayla: IASI Level 0 and 1 processing algorithms description
Additional material
6d6 Singh, Bhatia, Mukherjee and Sant Prasad: Validation of atmospheric temperature profiles derived using neural network approach from AMSU-A measurements on board NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 satellites and their applications for tropical cyclone analysis
6d7 Kaifel and Muller: NOAA-ATOVS 23-year total column ozone product retrieved by neural network technique
15:50 – 16:15 BREAK
Session 6e: Scientific studies and developments : radiative transfer (Chair: Bates)
6e1 Armante, Scott, Chedin, Jacquinet-Husson, Marchand, Montandon, Aires: Validation processes and results for the inverse and forward models related to IASI/ AMSUs/METOP observations
6e2 Jacquinet-Husson, Scott, Chedin and Chursin: The GEISA spectroscopic database system revisited for IASI direct radiative transfer modelling
6e3 Matricardi and Chevallier: An improved general fast radiative transfer model for the assimilation of radiance observations
6e4 McMillin, Kleespies and Xiong: Rapid transmittance studies at NESDIS
Tuesday 5 March 2002
Session 6f: Scientific studies: Developments in radiative transfer (Chair: Thepaut)
6f1 Sherlock, Collard and Saunders: Development and validation of Gastropod, a fast radiative transfer operator for the advanced infrared sounders
6f2 Turner: Revisiting the downward emission term of the radiative transfer model
6f3 van Delst: Upgraded radiative transfer model status at NCEP/EMC
6f4 Kleespies: The merger of OPTRAN and RTTOV: the best of both worlds
09:15 – 10:00 ITWG PLENARY: Working Group reports
10:00 – 10:25 BREAK
10:25 – 12:15
Working Group reports
Technical subgroup reports
Executive summary
Major recommendations and actions
Other business
Poster presentations – Thursday, 28 February 2002, 5:30pm
Achtor, Feltz, Woolf and Howell: Validation of IAPP retrievals using DOE ARM site observations
Ahn: Implementation of ATOVS processing package and its validation in Korea
Additional material
Atkinson and Saunders: Moonlight in AMSU
Bauer, Kelly, and Andersson: Towards direct assimilation of SSM/I radiances in 4D-Var
Borbas, Achtor, Lavanant, Menzel and Woolf: Monitoring and validation of IAPP and ICI products over Madison acquisition area
Borbas, Menzel and Li: The effect of GPS radio occultation data on radiometric profile retrievals
Brunel: HIRS calibration: Comparison between local AAPP and global NESDIS methods
Carvalho, Lavanant, Ferreira and Ramos: Analysis of temperature and moisture profiles over Brazil using the ICI inversion model
Additional material
Chevallier: Sampled databases of 60-level atmospheric profiles from the ECMWF analyses
Chevallier and Janiskova: Potential of the ATOVS cloud observations for 4D-Var assimilation
Deblonde and English: Stand-alone 1D-Var scheme for the SSMIS, SSM/I and AMSU instruments
Dybbroe, Brunel, Marsouin and Thoss: Accurate real-time navigation of AVHRR data at high latitudes
Dyras and Serafin-Rek: Precipitation estimation from NOAA/AMSU data
English and Weng: Methods for processing cloudy AMSU observations
Gasiewski: Interference mitigation in passive microwave radiometry
Gasiewski and Bizzari: GOMAS – Geostationary Observatory for Microwave Atmospheric Sounding
Huang: Recent progress and addition of International MODIS and AIRS Processing Package
John, Buehler and Mashrab: Validation of a new radiative transfer model for AMSU
Jones, Renshaw, Chalcraft, Anderson and English: ATOVS assimilation in the Met Office UK mesoscale model
Landelius and Gustafsson: AMSU-A background errors in HIRLAM 3-D Var
Li, Yang, Menzel and Huang: Application of wavelet analysis on stripping of MODIS multi-spectral band infrared radiance measurements
McNally and Watts: A cloud detection approach for AIRS radiance assimilation
Poulin, Lantagne, Dub, Dutil, Levesque, and Chateauneuf: NPOESS CrIS raw data (level 0) to sensor data (level 1b) processing
Predina: Use of Apodization to Improve Quality of Radiometric Measurements from Interferometric Sounders (Part 2, Part 3)
Predina: CrIS Sensor: Generation of RDRs and SDRs
Puschell: Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager: A next generation GEO imager for MTSAT-1R
Additional Material
Rochard: Frequency protection
Sreerekha, Buehler, Emde and John: Using a new radiative transfer model to estimate the effect of cirrus clouds on AMSU-B radiances
Wagneur, Chouinard and St James: ATOVS in the Canadian regional assimilation system
Wu, Zhang, Lavanant and Brunel: The status of AAPP/ICI at NSMC
Additional material