Units Conversion
Subprogram Descriptions
NAME: SA_to_MR PURPOSE: Function to convert gas specific amounts to mass mixing ratio CALLING SEQUENCE: Mixing_Ratio = SA_to_MR( Specific_Amount, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Specific_Amount: Gas specific amount comcentration. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor mass mixing ratio. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory input SPECIFIC_AMOUNT argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Mixing_Ratio: The gas mass mixing ratio. If an error occurs, the value -1.0 is returned. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Specific_Amount PROCEDURE: The specific amount is defined as the ratio of the mass of gas to the total mass of air and water vapor in a given volume: Mg SA = --------- .......(1) Md + Mw where Mg = mass of gas Mw = mass of water vapor Md = mass of dry air (including Mg). The gas mass mixing ratio is defined as the ratio of the mass of the gas to the mass of dry air in a given volume: Mg MRg = ---- .......(2) Md Rearranging (1) and substituting in (2) gives, 1 Md + Mw ---- = --------- SA Mg Md Mw = ---- + ---- Mg Mg Md Mw Md Md = ---- + ----.---- ( multiplying the second term by ---- ) Mg Md Mg Md 1 = ----- ( 1 + MRw ) MRg therefore, MRg = SA ( 1 + MRw ) for input units of g/g or kg/kg. For input units of g/kg then, MRg = SA ( 1 + 0.001*MRw ) .......(3) If the input specific amount is for water vapor (specific humidity) then (3) becomes, MRw = SA ( 1 + 0.001*MRw ) i.e. MRw = SA + 0.001*MRw*SA i.e. MRw( 1 - 0.001*SA ) = SA therefore, SA MRw = ------------------ .......(4) ( 1 - 0.001*SA ) CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 05-Dec-2003 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: MR_to_SA PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from mass mixing ratio to specific amounts. CATEGORY: Profile Utility LANGUAGE: Fortran-95 CALLING SEQUENCE: Specific_Amount = MR_to_SA( Mixing_Ratio, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Mixing_Ratio: Gas mass mixing ratio. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor specific humidity. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory input MIXING_RATIO argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Specific_Amount: The gas specific amount. If an error occurs, the value -1.0 is returned. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Mixing_Ratio PROCEDURE: From the SA_to_MR conversion, we know that for input units of g/kg that, MRg = SAg ( 1 + 0.001*MRw ) .......(1) and SAw MRw = ------------------- .......(2) ( 1 - 0.001*SAw ) where MRg = mass mixing ratio of gas MRw = mass mixing ratio of water vapor SAg = specific amount of gas SAw = specific amount of water vapor (specific humidity) Rearranging (1) and (2) gives, SAg = MRg ( 1 - 0.001*SAw ) and for water vapor only, MRw SAw = ------------------- ( 1 + 0.001*MRw ) CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 05-Dec-2003 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
Function to convert relative humidity to water vapor mixing ratio
Mixing_Ratio = RH_to_MR( Pressure, & ! Input
Temperature, & ! Input
Relative_Humidity, & ! Input
Ice_Temperature=Ice_Temperature, & ! optional input
Min_Pressure =Min_Pressure, & ! Optional input
Message_Log =Message_Log ) ! Error messaging
Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure.
UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa
DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1)
Temperature: Atmospheric temperature.
UNITS: Kelvin, K
DIMENSION: Same as pressure
Relative_Humidity: Atmospheric relative humidity.
DIMENSION: Same as pressure
Ice_Temperature: Temperature below which the saturation vapor
pressure over ice is used in the conversion.
By default, only the saturation vapor pressure
over water is used.
UNITS: Kelvin, K
Min_Pressure: Pressure value below which the saturation
mixing ratio is not calculated. The default
is 50mb. Saturation mixing ratios below the
minimum pressure are set to zero. This is
because at pressures less than 50mb, the
saturation vapour Pressure, which is based
only on temperature, can exceed the total
air Pressure.
UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa
Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any
Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an
error occurs opening the log file, the default action
is to output Messages to standard output.
Mixing_Ratio: Water vapor mass mixing ratio. If an error occurs,
-1.0 is returned.
UNITS: g/kg
DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure
Once the saturation mixing ratio is calculated the mixing ratio
corresponding to the input relative humidity is determined using:
Relative_Humidity * Saturation_Mixing_Ratio
Mixing_Ratio = ———————————————
Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 02-Mar-1999
NAME: MR_to_RH PURPOSE: Function to convert water vapor mixing ratio to relative humidity CALLING SEQUENCE: Relative_Humidty = MR_to_RH( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Mixing_Ratio, & ! Input Ice_Temperature=Ice_Temperature, & ! optional input Min_Pressure =Min_Pressure, & ! Optional input Message_Log =Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric temperature. UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Mixing_Ratio: Water vapor mixing ratio. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Ice_Temperature: Temperature below which the saturation vapor pressure over ice is used in the conversion. By default, only the saturation vapor pressure over water is used. UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Min_Pressure: Pressure value below which the saturation mixing ratio is not calculated. The default is 50mb. Saturation mixing ratios below the minimum pressure are set to zero. This is because at pressures less than 50mb, the saturation vapour Pressure, which is based only on temperature, can exceed the total air Pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Relative_Humidity: Relative humidity. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: % TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: Once the saturation mixing ratio is calculated the relative humidity corresponding to the input mixing ratio is determined using: Mixing_Ratio Relative_Humidity = 100.0 * ------------------------- Saturation_Mixing_Ratio CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 02-Mar-1999 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
Function to convert gas concentrations from mass mixing ratio in g/kg
to volume mixing ratio in ppmv
ppmv = MR_to_PPMV( Mixing_Ratio, & ! Input
Molecule_ID=Molecule_ID, & ! Input
Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging
Mixing_Ratio: Mass mixing ratio of gas.
UNITS: g/kg
DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1)
Molecule_ID: HITRAN molecular designation identifying the
molecule for which the concentration units
conversion is required. If not specified, the
default value is that for water vapor.
Valid values are:
1: H2O 9: SO2 17: HI 25: H2O2
2: CO2 10: NO2 18: ClO 26: C2H2
3: O3 11: NH3 19: OCS 27: C2H6
4: N2O 12: HNO3 20: H2CO 28: PH3
5: CO 13: OH 21: HOCl 29: COF2
6: CH4 14: HF 22: N2 30: SF6
7: O2 15: HCl 23: HCN 31: H2S
8: NO 16: HBr 24: CH3Cl 32: HCOOH
Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any
Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an
error occurs opening the log file, the default action
is to output Messages to standard output.
ppmv: Volume mixing ratio of gas. If an error occurs,
-1.0 is returned.
UNITS: ppmv
DIMENSION: Same as input Mixing_Ratio
To convert mixing ratio in g/kg to parts-per-million, the following
is used:
MW(Dry Air)
ppmv(MOL) = 1000 . Mixing_Ratio(MOL) . ————-
where MW(Dry Air) = Average molecular weight of dry air
MW(MOL) = Molecular weight of the gas in question.
The factor of 1000 derives from the product of the g/kg to g/g
scale factor (0.001) and the “parts-per” to “parts-per-million”
scale factor (1.0e+06)
Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 03-May-2000
NAME: PPMV_to_MR PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from volume mixing ratio in ppmv to mass mixing ratio in g/kg. CALLING SEQUENCE: Mixing_Ratio = PPMV_to_MR( ppmv, & ! Input Molecule_ID=Molecule_ID, & ! Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: ppmv: Volume mixing ratio of gas. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Molecule_ID: HITRAN molecular designation identifying the molecule for which the concentration units conversion is required. If not specified, the default value is that for water vapor. Valid values are: 1: H2O 9: SO2 17: HI 25: H2O2 2: CO2 10: NO2 18: ClO 26: C2H2 3: O3 11: NH3 19: OCS 27: C2H6 4: N2O 12: HNO3 20: H2CO 28: PH3 5: CO 13: OH 21: HOCl 29: COF2 6: CH4 14: HF 22: N2 30: SF6 7: O2 15: HCl 23: HCN 31: H2S 8: NO 16: HBr 24: CH3Cl 32: HCOOH UNITS: N/A TYPE: INTEGER DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Mixing_Ratio: Mass mixing ratio of gas. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input ppmv PROCEDURE: To convert ppmv to mixing ratio, the following is used: MW(MOL) mr(MOL) = 0.001 . ppmv(MOL) . ------------- MW(Dry Air) where MW(Dry Air) = Average molecular weight of dry air MW(MOL) = Molecular weight of the gas in question. The factor of 0.001 derives from the product of the g/g to g/kg scale factor (1000) and the "parts-per-million" to "parts-per" scale factor (1.0e-06) CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 03-May-2000 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PPMV_to_PP PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from ppmv to partial pressure CALLING SEQUENCE: Partial_Pressure = PPMV_to_PP( Pressure, & ! Input ppmv, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) ppmv: Gas volume mixing ratio in ppmv. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor partial pressure. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory input PPMV argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Partial_Pressure: Gas partial pressure. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: To convert volume mixing ratio in ppmv of a molecular species, designated by MOL, to partial pressure, the following is used, pp(MOL) = 1.0e-06 . ppmv(MOL) . ( Pressure - pp(H2O) ) If the input molecule is water vapor, the partial pressure is determined using, 1 pp(H2O) = 1.0e-06 . ppmv(H2O) . Pressure . ----------------------------- 1 + ( 1.0e-06 . ppmv(H20) ) This is based on the same methods used in the LBLRTM conversion code in its lblatm.f module where molecular mixing ratios (either ppmv or g/kg) are always with respect to DRY AIR. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 03-May-2000 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PP_to_PPMV PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from partial pressure to volume mixing ratio in ppmv CALLING SEQUENCE: ppmv = PP_to_PPMV( Pressure, & ! Input Partial_Pressure, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Partial_Pressure: Gas partial pressure UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor volume mixing ratio. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory Partial_Pressure argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: ppmv: Gas volume mixing ratio. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: To convert the partial pressure of a molecular species, designated by MOL, to volume mixing ratio in ppmv, the following is used, pp(MOL) ppmv(MOL) = 1.0e+06 . ------------------ Dry_Air_Pressure where 1 Dry_Air_Pressure = Pressure . ---------------------------- 1 + ( ppmv(H2O) . 1.0e-6 ) If the input molecule is water vapor, the dry air pressure is determined simply using, Dry_Air_Pressure = Pressure - pp(H2O) This is based on the same methods used in the LBLRTM conversion code in its lblatm.f module where molecular mixing ratios (either ppmv or g/kg) are always with respect to DRY AIR. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 03-May-2000 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: MR_to_PP PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from mixing ratio in g/kg to partial pressure in hectoPascals. CALLING SEQUENCE: Partial_Pressure = MR_to_PP( Pressure, & ! Input Mixing_Ratio, & ! Input Molecule_ID=Molecule_ID, & ! Optional Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Mixing_Ratio: Mass mixing ratio of gas. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Molecule_ID: HITRAN molecular designation identifying the molecule for which the concentration units conversion is required. If not specified, the default value is that for water vapor. Valid values are: 1: H2O 9: SO2 17: HI 25: H2O2 2: CO2 10: NO2 18: ClO 26: C2H2 3: O3 11: NH3 19: OCS 27: C2H6 4: N2O 12: HNO3 20: H2CO 28: PH3 5: CO 13: OH 21: HOCl 29: COF2 6: CH4 14: HF 22: N2 30: SF6 7: O2 15: HCl 23: HCN 31: H2S 8: NO 16: HBr 24: CH3Cl 32: HCOOH UNITS: N/A TYPE: INTEGER DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Water_Vapor: Water vapor partial pressure. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory MIXING_RATIO argument is assumed to be water vapor. This argument is ignored if the specified or default molecule ID is set to 1. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Partial_Pressure: Gas partial pressure. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: First a definition. In this routine, the mass mixing ratio of a gas is defined to be, for a given volume, the ratio of the mass of the gas in question to that of DRY air. The ideal gas equation can be written as, p = n.R0.T ................................................(1) for unit volume, where n = number of moles of gas, R0 = universal gas constant T = temperature. The mass mixing ratio of a gas is defined as the mass of the gas with respect to the mass of dry air in the same volume. If we use eqn(1) to construct expressions for the partial pressures of a particular gas and dry air, we get, pp(MOL) = n(MOL).R0.T .................................(2a) and pp(DryAir) = n(DryAir).R0.T ..............................(2b) Dividing eqn(2a) by (2b) and rearranging we get, n(MOL) pp(MOL) = ----------- . pp(DryAir) ........................(3) n(DryAir) Replacing the expssion for the number of moles of a substance into eqn(3) gives us, m(MOL) MW(DryAir) pp(MOL) = --------- . ------------ . pp(DryAir) MW(MOL) m(DryAir) m(MOL) MW(DryAir) = ----------- . ------------ . pp(DryAir) m(DryAir) MW(MOL) MW(DryAir) = 0.001 . w(MOL) . ------------ . pp(DryAir) ......(4) MW(MOL) where m(MOL) = mass of gas MOL in grams, m(DryAir) = mass of dry air in grams, MW(MOL) = molecular weight of of gas MOL in grams, MW(DryAir) = effective molecular weight of dry air in grams, w(MOL) = mass mixing ratio of gas MOL in g/kg. The factor of 0.001 in eqn(4) is to convert the units of the mixing ratio from g/kg to g/g. Two cases need to be addressed: ------------- 1) MOL == H2O ------------- If the gas for which the mixing ratio is to be converted is water vapor, then eqn(4) can be written as, pp(H2O) = WX . ( p(Total) - pp(H2O) ) .....................(5) MW(DryAir) where WX = 0.001 . w(H2O) . ------------ MW(H2O) Expanding eqn(5) further, we get pp(H2O) = ( WX . p(Total) ) - ( WX . pp(H2O) ) and, pp(H2O) . ( 1 + WX ) = WX . p(Total) and finally, WX pp(H2O) = ------------ . p(Total) .........................(6) ( 1 + WX ) Eqn(6) is used to determine the partial pressure for water vapor input in this routine. ------------------- 2) MOL is *not* H2O ------------------- Using eqn(4) to determine an expression for the non-water vapor gases, we get, pp(MOL) = WX . p(DryAir) ..................................(7) MW(DryAir) where WX = 0.001 . w(MOL) . ------------ MW(MOL) and w(MOL) is still defined as in eqn(4). This is based on the same methods used in the LBLRTM conversion code in its lblatm.f module where molecular mixing ratios (either ppmv or g/kg) are always with respect to DRY AIR. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 20-Sep-2002 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PP_to_MR PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from partial pressure in hectoPascals to mass mixing ratio in g/kg. CALLING SEQUENCE: Mixing_Ratio = PP_to_MR( Pressure, & ! Input Partial_Pressure, & ! Input Molecule_ID=Molecule_ID, & ! Optional Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Partial_Pressure: Partial pressure of gas. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Molecule_ID: HITRAN molecular designation identifying the molecule for which the concentration units conversion is required. If not specified, the default value is that for water vapor. Valid values are: 1: H2O 9: SO2 17: HI 25: H2O2 2: CO2 10: NO2 18: ClO 26: C2H2 3: O3 11: NH3 19: OCS 27: C2H6 4: N2O 12: HNO3 20: H2CO 28: PH3 5: CO 13: OH 21: HOCl 29: COF2 6: CH4 14: HF 22: N2 30: SF6 7: O2 15: HCl 23: HCN 31: H2S 8: NO 16: HBr 24: CH3Cl 32: HCOOH UNITS: N/A TYPE: INTEGER DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Water_Vapor: Water vapor mass mixing ratio. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory PARTIAL_PRESSURE argument is assumed to be water vapor. This argument is ignored if the specified or default molecule ID is set to 1. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Mixing_Ratio: Mass mixing ratio of gas. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: g/kg TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: First a definition. In this routine, the mass mixing ratio of a gas is defined to be, for a given volume, the ratio of the mass of the gas in question to that of DRY air. The ideal gas equation can be written as, p = n.R0.T ................................................(1) for unit volume, where n = number of moles of gas, R0 = universal gas constant T = temperature. The mass mixing ratio of a gas is defined as the mass of the gas with respect to the mass of dry air in the same volume. If we use eqn(1) to construct expressions for the partial pressures of a particular gas and dry air, we get, pp(MOL) = n(MOL).R0.T .................................(2a) and pp(DryAir) = n(DryAir).R0.T ..............................(2b) Dividing eqn(2a) by (2b) and rearranging we get, n(MOL) pp(MOL) = ----------- . pp(DryAir) ........................(3) n(DryAir) Replacing the expssion for the number of moles of a substance into eqn(3) gives us, m(MOL) MW(DryAir) pp(MOL) = --------- . ------------ . pp(DryAir) MW(MOL) m(DryAir) m(MOL) MW(DryAir) = ----------- . ------------ . pp(DryAir) m(DryAir) MW(MOL) MW(DryAir) = 0.001 . w(MOL) . ------------ . pp(DryAir) ......(4) MW(MOL) where m(MOL) = mass of gas MOL in grams, m(DryAir) = mass of dry air in grams, MW(MOL) = molecular weight of of gas MOL in grams, MW(DryAir) = effective molecular weight of dry air in grams, w(MOL) = mass mixing ratio of gas MOL in g/kg. The factor of 0.001 in eqn(4) is to convert the units of the mixing ratio from g/kg to g/g. Thus to determine the mixing ratio of the gas in question from its partial pressure, eqn(4) is rearranged to give, MW(MOL) pp(MOL) w(MOL) = 1000 . ------------ . ------------ ...............(5) MW(DryAir) pp(DryAir) Two cases need to be addressed: ------------- 1) MOL == H2O ------------- If the gas for which the partial pressure is to be converted is water vapor, then the dry air partial pressure required in eqn(5) is simply computed using, pp(DryAir) = p(Total) - pp(H2O) which is then used in eqn(5) to compute the water vapour mixing ratio. ------------------- 2) MOL is *not* H2O ------------------- For this gas, the dry air partial pressure must be computed using the water vapor mixing ratio supplied in the optional Water_Vapor argument. Eqn(4) above can be rewritten as, pp(H2O) = WX . p(DryAir) ..................................(6) MW(DryAir) where WX = 0.001 . w(H2O) . ------------ MW(H2O) Rearranging eqn(6), we then get, pp(H2O) p(DryAir) = --------- .....................................(7) WX But, eqn(6) can also be written as, pp(H2O) = WX . ( p(Total) - pp(H2O) ) = ( WX . p(Total) ) - ( WX . pp(H2O) ) and thus, pp(H2O) . ( 1 + WX ) = WX . p(Total) with finally, WX pp(H2O) = ------------ . p(Total) .........................(8) ( 1 + WX ) Substituting eqn(8) into eqn(7) gives, p(Total) p(DryAir) = ---------- ....................................(9) 1 + WX Eqn(9) is used to compute the dry air partial pressure which is then used in enq(5) to compute the mixing ratio of the gas in question. This is based on the same methods used in the LBLRTM conversion code in its lblatm.f module where molecular mixing ratios (either ppmv or g/kg) are always with respect to DRY AIR. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 20-Sep-2002 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PP_to_MD PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations in pressure units to mass density. CALLING SEQUENCE: Mass_Density = PP_to_MD( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Molecule_ID=Molecule_ID, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total or partial pressure to provide number density of air or specific gas species. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Molecule_ID: HITRAN molecular designation identifying the molecule for which the concentration units conversion is required. If not specified, the default value is that for water vapor. Valid values are: 1: H2O 9: SO2 17: HI 25: H2O2 2: CO2 10: NO2 18: ClO 26: C2H2 3: O3 11: NH3 19: OCS 27: C2H6 4: N2O 12: HNO3 20: H2CO 28: PH3 5: CO 13: OH 21: HOCl 29: COF2 6: CH4 14: HF 22: N2 30: SF6 7: O2 15: HCl 23: HCN 31: H2S 8: NO 16: HBr 24: CH3Cl 32: HCOOH UNITS: N/A TYPE: INTEGER DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Mass_Density: Number density of gas. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: g/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: The ideal gas law is p.V = n.R.T where, p = Pressure V = volume n = number of moles of the gas, R = molar gas constant, T = Temperature. This can be written in terms of the number of molecules, N, N p.V = ---- . R.T ..............(1) NA where NA = Avogadro's constant (number of molecules in 1 mole.) Eqn.(1) can be recast to provide the number of molecules in the volume, the number density, nd, N p.NA nd = --- = ------ molecules/m^3 ..............(2) V R.T The mass density is related to the number density by the simple relation, MW md = nd . ---- ..............(3) NA Substituting equation (2) into (3) gives, p.MW md = ------ g/m^3 ..............(4) R.T The value of p0 used in this routine is expressed in pascals (Pa) whereas the input partial Pressure is expected to be hPa (more common unit). Thus there is a factor of 100 to include, 100.p.MW md = ---------- g/m^3 R.T UNITS ANALYSIS: p : kg.m^-1.s^-2 (Pascals) MW : g.mol^-1 R : J.mol^-1.K^-1 == kg.m^2.s^-2.mol^-1.K^-1 T : K kg g s^2.mol.K 1 md == ------- . ----- . ----------- . --- m.s^2 mol kg.m^2 K g == ----- m^3 CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 08-Nov-2004 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: MD_to_PP PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentration mass density to partial pressure. CALLING SEQUENCE: Pressure = MD_to_PP( Mass_Density, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Molecule_ID=Molecule_ID, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Mass_Density: Number density of gas. UNITS: g/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Mass_Density ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Molecule_ID: HITRAN molecular designation identifying the molecule for which the concentration units conversion is required. If not specified, the default value is that for water vapor. Valid values are: 1: H2O 9: SO2 17: HI 25: H2O2 2: CO2 10: NO2 18: ClO 26: C2H2 3: O3 11: NH3 19: OCS 27: C2H6 4: N2O 12: HNO3 20: H2CO 28: PH3 5: CO 13: OH 21: HOCl 29: COF2 6: CH4 14: HF 22: N2 30: SF6 7: O2 15: HCl 23: HCN 31: H2S 8: NO 16: HBr 24: CH3Cl 32: HCOOH UNITS: N/A TYPE: INTEGER DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Pressure: Partial pressure for specified gas species. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Mass_Density PROCEDURE: The ideal gas law is p.V = n.R.T where, p = Pressure V = volume n = number of moles of the gas, R = molar gas constant, T = Temperature. This can be written in terms of the number of molecules, N, N p.V = ---- . R.T ..............(1) NA where NA = Avogadro's constant (number of molecules in 1 mole.) Eqn.(1) can be recast to provide the number of molecules in the volume, the number density, nd, N p.NA nd = --- = ------ molecules/m^3 ..............(2) V R.T The mass density is related to the number density by the simple relation, MW md = nd . ---- ..............(3) NA Substituting equation (2) into (3) gives, p.MW md = ------ g/m^3 ..............(4) R.T and inverting equation (4) gives, md.R.T p = -------- Pa MW The pressure result above is determined in units of Pascals, so there is a factor of 100 to include to return the pressure in units of hectoPascals, md.R.T p = -------- hPa 100.MW UNITS ANALYSIS: md : g.m^-3 R : J.mol^-1.K^-1 == kg.m^2.s^-2.mol^-1.K^-1 T : K MW : g.mol^-1 g kg.m^2 mol p == ----- . ----------- . K . ----- m^3 s^2.mol.K g kg == ------- m.s^2 kg.m.s^-2 F == ----------- == --- == pressure. m^2 A CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 08-Nov-2004 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PP_to_ND PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations in pressure units to number density. CALLING SEQUENCE: Number_Density = PP_to_ND( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total or partial pressure to provide number density of air or specific gas species. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Number_Density: Number density of gas. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: molecules/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: The ideal gas law is p.V = n.R.T where, p = Pressure V = volume n = number of moles of the gas, R = molar gas constant, T = Temperature. This can be written in terms of the number of molecules, N, N p.V = ---- . R.T ..............(1) NA where NA = Avogadro's constant (number of molecules in 1 mole.) Eqn.(1) can be recast to provide the number of molecules in the volume, the number density, nd, N p.NA nd = --- = ------ molecules/m^3 ..............(2) V R.T At standard Temperature and Pressure (T0=273.15K, p0=101325Pa), this number density is know as the Loschmidt constant, L0, the molecular density of 1 mole of an ideal gas. Thus we have the generic form of eqn.(2) and the STP form, p0.NA L0 = ------- molecules/m^3 ..............(3) R.T0 Taking the ratio of eqns.(2) and (3) gives, nd p.NA R.T0 -- = ------ . ------- L0 R.T p0.NA and rearranging gives, p T0 nd = L0 . ---- . ---- molecules/m^3 p0 T The value of p0 used in this routine is expressed in pascals (Pa) whereas the input partial Pressure is expected to be hPa (more common unit). Thus there is a factor of 100 to include, 100.p T0 nd = L0 . ------- . ---- molecules/m^3 p0 T CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 15-Nov-2001 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: ND_to_PP PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from number density to pressure units. CALLING SEQUENCE: Partial_Pressure = ND_to_PP( Number_Density, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Number_Density: Molecular density. UNITS: molecules/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric Temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Number_Density ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Partial_Pressure: Gas partial pressure. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Number_Density PROCEDURE: The ideal gas law is p.V = n.R.T where, p = Pressure V = volume n = number of moles of the gas, R = molar gas constant, T = Temperature. This can be written in terms of the number of molecules, N, N p.V = ---- . R.T ..............(1) NA where NA = Avogadro's constant (number of molecules in 1 mole.) Recasting eqn.(1) to provide the Pressure, nd p = ---- . R.T Pa ..............(2) NA where nd = the number density in molecules/m^3 = N/V. At standard Temperature and Pressure (T0=273.15K, p0=101325Pa), the number density of eqn.(2) is known as the Loschmidt constant, L0, the molecular density of 1 mole of an ideal gas. Thus we have the generic form of eqn.(2) and the STP form, L0 p0 = ---- . R.T0 Pa ..............(3) NA Taking the ratio of eqns.(2) and (3) gives, p nd T ---- = ---- . ---- Pa p0 L0 T0 and rearranging gives, nd T p = p0 . ---- . ---- Pa L0 T0 The value of p0 used in this routine is expressed in pascals (Pa) whereas the output Pressure is returned as hPa (more common unit). Thus there is a factor of 100 to include, nd T p = 0.01 . p0 . ---- . ---- hPa L0 T0 CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 15-Nov-2001 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PPMV_to_ND PURPOSE: Function to convert volume mixing ratio in ppmv to number density. CALLING SEQUENCE: Number_Density = PPMV_to_ND( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input ppmv, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) ppmv: Volume mixing ratio. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor number density. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory PPMV input argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: molecules/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: Number_Density: Number density of gas. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: molecules/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: To convert the volume mixing ratio of a molecular species, designated by MOL, to number density, the following is used, nd(MOL) = 1.0e-06 . ppmv(MOL) . ( nd(TOT) - nd(H2O) ) .....(1) where Pressure T0 nd(TOT) = L0 . ---------- . ------------- molecules/m^3 p0 Temperature and L0 = Loschmidt number, p0 = Standard pressure, T0 = Standard temperature. If the input molecule is water vapor, the number density is determined using, ppmv(H2O) . 1.0e-06 nd(H2O) = ----------------------------- . nd(TOT) .....(2) 1 + ( ppmv(H2O) . 1.0e-06 ) Rearranging eqn.(2) gives the same form as eqn.(1). This is based on the same methods used in the LBLRTM conversion code in its lblatm.f module where molecular mixing ratios (either ppmv or g/kg) are always with respect to DRY AIR. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 15-Nov-2001 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: ND_to_PPMV PURPOSE: Function to convert gas concentrations from number density to volume mixing ratio in ppmv. CALLING SEQUENCE: ppmv = ND_to_PPMV( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Number_Density, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Total atmospheric pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Atmospheric temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Number_Density: Molecular number density. UNITS: molecules/m^3 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor volume mixing ratio. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory NUMBER_DENSITY input argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: ppmv: Gas volume mixing ratio. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: To convert the number density of a molecular species, designated by MOL, to volume mixing ratio, the following is used, nd(MOL) ppmv(MOL) = 1.0e+06 . ------------- nd(DRY_AIR) where nd(DRY_AIR) = nd(TOT) - nd(H2O) and Pressure T0 nd(TOT) = L0 . ---------- . ------------- molecules/m^3 p0 Temperature with L0 = Loschmidt number, p0 = Standard pressure, T0 = Standard temperature, and If the input molecule is NOT water vapor, the dry air number density is determined using, 1 nd(DRY_AIR) = ----------------------------- . nd(TOT) 1 + ( ppmv(H2O) . 1.0e-06 ) This is based on the same methods used in the LBLRTM conversion code in its lblatm.f module where molecular mixing ratios (either ppmv or g/kg) are always with respect to DRY AIR. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 15-Nov-2001 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: PPMV_to_KMOL PURPOSE: Function to convert layer gas concentrations from volume mixing ratio in ppmv to column density in kmol.cm^-2. CALLING SEQUENCE: kmol_per_cm2 = PPMV_to_KMOL( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Delta_Z, & ! Input ppmv, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Average layer pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Average layer temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K (K) TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Delta_Z: Layer thickness UNITS: metres, m TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) ppmv: Average layer gas concentration UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor column density. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory PPMV input argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: kmol.cm^-2 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: kmol_per_cm2: Layer gas concentration. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: kmol.cm^-2 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same input Pressure PROCEDURE: The column density of a particular molecular species, designated by MOL, given its volume mixing ratio is then given by, cd(MOL) = 1.0e-06 . ppmv(MOL) . cd(DRY_AIR) kmol.cm^-2 First, the total number density is calculated using, p T0 nd(TOT) = L0 . ---- . ---- molecules.m^-3 p0 T and L0 = Loschmidt number, p0 = Standard pressure, T0 = Standard temperature. The total column density is calculated by multiplying the number density by the layer thickness in metres, dz, cd(TOT) = dz . nd(TOT) molecules.m^-2 This result is scaled by: a) 10^-4 to convert molecules.m^-2 to molecules.cm^-2 b) 1/Na to convert molecules.cm^-2 to mol.cm^-2, and c) 10^-3 to convert mol.cm^-2 to kmol.cm^-2 giving, 1.0e-07 cd(TOT) = --------- . dz . nd(TOT) kmol.cm^-2 Na The dry air column density is then calculated using, 1 cd(DRY_AIR) = ----------------------------- . cd(TOT) kmol.cm^-2 1 + ( ppmv(H2O) . 1.0e-06 ) for water vapor ppmv input or, cd(DRY_AIR) = cd(TOT) - cd(H2O) if cd(H2O) is supplied via the optional Water_Vapor argument. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 04-Jan-2001 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
NAME: KMOL_to_PPMV PURPOSE: Function to convert layer gas concentrations from column density in kmol.cm^-2 to volume mixing ratio in ppmv. CALLING SEQUENCE: ppmv = KMOL_to_PPMV( Pressure, & ! Input Temperature, & ! Input Delta_Z, & ! Input kmol_per_cm2, & ! Input Water_Vapor=Water_Vapor, & ! Optional Input Message_Log=Message_Log ) ! Error messaging INPUT ARGUMENTS: Pressure: Average layer pressure. UNITS: hectoPascals, hPa TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Scalar or Rank-1 (K x 1) ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Temperature: Average layer temperature UNITS: Kelvin, K TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) Delta_Z: Layer thickness UNITS: metres, m TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) kmol_per_cm2: Column density for molecular species. UNITS: kmol.cm^-2 TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as Pressure ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS: Water_Vapor: Water vapor volume mixing ratio. If this argument is not supplied, the mandatory KMOL_PER_CM2 input argument is assumed to be water vapor. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as pressure ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) Message_Log: Character string specifying a filename in which any Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an error occurs opening the log file, the default action is to output Messages to standard output. UNITS: N/A TYPE: CHARACTER(*) DIMENSION: Scalar ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) FUNCTION RESULT: ppmv: Layer gas volume mixing ratio. If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. UNITS: ppmv TYPE: REAL(fp) DIMENSION: Same as input Pressure PROCEDURE: The volume mixing ratio of a particular molecular species, designated by MOL, given it's column density is given by, cd(MOL) ppmv(MOL) = 1.0e-06 . ------------- cd(DRY_AIR) First, the total number density is calculated using, p T0 nd(TOT) = L0 . ---- . ---- molecules.m^-3 p0 T and L0 = Loschmidt number, p0 = Standard pressure, T0 = Standard temperature. The total column density is calculated by multiplying the number density by the layer thickness in metres, dz, cd(TOT) = dz . nd(TOT) molecules.m^-2 This result is scaled by: a) 10^-4 to convert molecules.m^-2 to molecules.cm^-2 b) 1/Na to convert molecules.cm^-2 to mol.cm^-2, and c) 10^-3 to convert mol.cm^-2 to kmol.cm^-2 giving, 1.0e-07 cd(TOT) = --------- . dz . nd(TOT) kmol.cm^-2 Na The dry air column density is then calculated using, 1 cd(DRY_AIR) = ----------------------------- . cd(TOT) kmol.cm^-2 1 + ( ppmv(H2O) . 1.0e-06 ) for water vapor ppmv input or, cd(DRY_AIR) = cd(TOT) - cd(H2O) if cd(H2O) is supplied via the optional Water_Vapor argument. CREATION HISTORY: Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 04-Jan-2001 paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu