Radiative Transfer and Surface Property Modelling

Geopotential Subprograms



       Function to calculate geopotential height using the hypsometric

       Error_Statusz = Geopotential_Height( Pressure,                                          &  ! Input
                                            Temperature,                                       &  ! Input
                                            Water_Vapor_Pressure,                              &  ! Input
                                            Height,                                            &  ! Output
                                            Surface_Height          =Surface_Height,           &  ! Optional input
                                            Gravity_Correction      =Gravity_Correction,       &  ! Optional input
                                            Latitude                =Latitude,                 &  ! Optional input
                                            Zonal_Wind_Velocity     =Zonal_Wind_Velocity,      &  ! Optional input
                                            Meridional_Wind_Velocity=Meridional_Wind_Velocity, &  ! Optional input
                                            RCS_Id                  =RCS_Id,                   &  ! Revision control
                                            Message_Log             =Message_Log               )  ! Error messaging

       Pressure:                  Pressure of the atmospheric levels.
                                  UNITS:      hectoPascals, hPa
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Rank-1 (K x 1)
                                  ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN)

       Temperature:               Temperature of the atmospheric levels.
                                  UNITS:      Kelvin, K
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Same as Pressure
                                  ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN)

       Water_Vapor_Pressure:      Water vapor partial pressure at the atmospheric levels
                                  UNITS:      hectoPascals, hPa
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Same as Pressure
                                  ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN)

       Surface_Height:            Height corresponding to the first element of the
                                  input arrays. If not specified, the default value
                                  is 0.0m.
                                  UNITS:      metres, m.
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Scalar
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)

       Gravity_Correction:        Set this argument to use a gravity profile rather
                                  than standard reference gravity in calculating
                                  the geopotential Heights. If PRESENT then,
                                  if = 0, standard gravity used,
                                     = 1, gravity profile is calculated and used.
                                  UNITS:      N/A.
                                  TYPE:       INTEGER
                                  DIMENSION:  Scalar
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)

       Latitude:                  Set this argument to the Latitude corresponding
                                  to the input profile location. This argument is
                                  ignored if the Gravity_Correction argument is
                                  NOT set. If not defined and required, the default
                                  value is zero.
                                  UNITS:      Degrees (no N or S hemisphere dep.).
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Scalar
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)

       Zonal_Wind_Velocity:       Set this argument to the zonal wind velocities
                                  at the input profile levels. This argument is
                                  ignored if the Gravity_Correction argument is
                                  not set. If not specified, the default value
                                  is zero.
                                  UNITS:      m.s^-1, +ve W'ly, -ve E'ly
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Same as Pressure
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)

       Meridional_Wind_Velocity:  Set this argument to the meridional wind velocities
                                  at the input profile levels. This argument is
                                  ignored if the Gravity_Correction argument is
                                  not set. If not specified, the default value
                                  is zero.
                                  UNITS:      m.s^-1, +ve S'ly, -ve N'ly
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Same as Pressure
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)

       Message_Log:               Character string specifying a filename in which any
                                  Messages will be logged. If not specified, or if an
                                  error occurs opening the log file, the default action
                                  is to output Messages to standard output.
                                  UNITS:      N/A
                                  TYPE:       CHARACTER(*)
                                  DIMENSION:  Scalar
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)

       Height:                    Geopotential Heights of the input Pressure levels.
                                  UNITS:      metres, m
                                  TYPE:       REAL(fp)
                                  DIMENSION:  Same as input Pressure
                                  ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(OUT)

       RCS_Id:                    Character string containing the Revision Control
                                  System Id field for the module.
                                  UNITS:      N/A
                                  TYPE:       CHARACTER(*)
                                  DIMENSION:  Scalar
                                  ATTRIBUTES: OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)

       Error_Status:              The return value is an integer defining the
                                  error status. The error codes are defined
                                  in the ERROR_HANDLER module.
                                  If == SUCCESS the geopotential calculation was
                                     == FAILURE an unrecoverable error occurred
                                  UNITS:      N/A
                                  TYPE:       INTEGER
                                  DIMENSION:  Scalar

       Geopotential heights are calculated using the hypsometric equation:

                   _   [  p1  ]
         z2 - z1 = H.ln[ ---- ]     .....(1)
                       [  p2  ]
       where H     = scale height, 
             p1,p2 = layer boundary pressures, and
             z1,z2 = layer boundary heights.

         _    R_air * T 
         H = -----------     .....(2)

       where R_air = gas constant for moist air
             T     = average temperature for an atmospheric layer,
             g     = acceleration due to gravity

       The gas constant for air is given by:

                  1000 * R
         R_air = ----------     .....(3)

       where R0     = Molar gas constant
             MW_air = Water vapor weighted molecular weight of air

       and the factor of 1000 is for conversion of the molecular
       weight from g.mol^-1 to kg.mol^-1.

       Layer values for both R_air and T are determined from a density
       weighted average of adjacent level values:

                    X(k)*rho(k) + X(k-1)*rho(k-1)
         layer_X = -------------------------------
                         rho(k) + rho(k-1)

       The use of an optional gravity profile was introduced to make 
       this code parallel that of the UMBC KLAYERS altitude calculation

       Units analysis:

       Typical units of the quantities are,

         units(T)      = K
         units(g)      = m.s^-2
         units(R0)     = J.K^-1.mol^-1 = kg.m^2.s^-2.K^-1.mol^-1
         units(MW_air) = g.mol^-1

       From eqn(3),

         units(R_air) = -------------------------

                         1000 kg.m^2.s^-2.K^-1.mol^-1
                      = ------------------------------

                      = 1000 m^2.s^-2.K^-1

       From eqn.(2),

               _     1000 m^2.s^-2.K^-1 . K
         units(H) = ------------------------

                   = 1000 m

       So the final heights must be multiplied by 1000 to get units of metres.

       If you're wondering why I don't use the virtual temperature rather
       than calculate MW_air and R_air, the reasons are two-fold:
         1) To calculate a density using the ideal gas law, you need to
            know either of these quantities, and
         2) Eventually, the effect due to ozone will also be included.

       Written by:     Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 21-Feb-1999