Products and Software

The next PSWG meeting

The (post) ITSC-24 interim Products and Software Working Group meeting will be held on:


  1. Welcome, agree on agenda
  2. Plans of agencies and software providers related to new and future satellites
    Including updates from:
       * Indira Rani discussing ISRO missions
       * Andrew Heidinger/Lihang Zhou on NOAA’s GeoXO and LEO program
  3. Mikael Rattenborg will give an update on the status and plans of DBNet
  4. Status and plans of software packages for processing sounder data, including lightning presentations on:
        * Latest CSPP/IMAPP updates(Liam Gumley/Graeme Martin)
        * Introduction to Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS)  (Nigel Atkinson)
        * Latest features of AAPP, MWIPP and IRSPP (Anna Booton)
  5. Review Actions from ITSC-24, and CGMS High Level Priority Plan Items
    Including:  PC representation of radiances, cluster analysis of VIIRS radiances
  6. Discussion of needs and concerns of direct broadcast users
  7. Cloud services and cloud data distribution
  8. Best practices for user-facing software, product distribution and data formats

About the PSWG

The scope of the Products and Software Working Group is as follows:

  • Level 1 and Level 2 satellite products;
  • Software tools and packages for generating, analyzing, and visualizing products;
  • Enabling end users to obtain or generate the products they need;
  • End user feedback and training;
  • Exchange of information for validation of products;
  • Informing the user community about requirements for future missions; and
  • Informing agencies about requirements of the users.

Documents and Resources

PSWG Reports

and Interim meetings:

Technical Notes and Information

Directory of Direct Broadcast software packages – level 0 to level 2 and visualization
AAPP, OPS-LRS, and Metopizer containerized build and run instructions for DBNet operators

Lessons Learned in GeoSphere Development: