Status of action items from the last Working Group Meeting
Action items from ITSC-23
The Working Group was held in the form of a remote (online) meeting on 7th June 2021
Please email the co-chairs with any progress on actions.
Action DA/NWP 22-13 on WG Members : Share impact assessment results for FY-3E with the group and CMA as soon as possible after data becomes available, in particular to provide evidence for support of the early morning orbit.
Status: ONGOING. We will discuss this at the WG meeting in Tromsø. There are also several talks at ITSC-24 on progress with using FY-3 instruments.
Action DA/NWP 23-1 on NWP WG members: Send any evidence of RFI in the observations and results investigating the effects of RFI on forecast skill to the co-chairs of the RFI Technical Subgroup Stephen English, Richard Kelley, Nancy Baker and Jean Pla.
Status: ONGOING. Progress since last meeting: nothing has been submitted that we know of. Contacted Subgroup co-chairs.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-2 on WG Members: Please review the software design documents for ISPP and MWIPP/AAPP on the NWPSAF website and provide feedback to Nigel Atkinson by the end of July 2021
Status: CLOSED.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-3 on WG Members: Contact Nigel Atkinson by the end of July 2021 to beta test IRSPP
Status: CLOSED.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-4 on Sreerekha TR: Circulate EUMETSAT’s data distribution plan to the DA/NWP WG when it is released.
Status: CLOSED. information sent to group via email.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-5 on WG members: email Fiona and Brett if they are interested to be part of SAT feedback discussion group
Status: CLOSED
ACTION DA/NWP 23-6 on WG chairs and Will McCarty: organise an online meeting to discuss feedback to the SAT on the questions discussed during the WG meeting.
Status: CLOSED – online meeting took place and summaries forwarded to NOAA.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-7 on WG members: Review SAT recommendation documents and provide any feedback to Will McCarty by the end of July 2021
Status: CLOSED – documents disseminated.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-8 on WG members: Contact Lihang Zhouby the end of June 2021 to be invited to the LEO Constellation Architecture Study workshop on future Microwave Sounders
Status: CLOSED. – members participlated at the workshop.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-9 on WG members Forward any results of studies for the use of MW-only or MW+SW channels to the working group .
Status: ONGOING – WG supported decision to retain LW on SNPP CRIS, but it is very instructive to see if progress has been made at ITSC24 on use of SW. Retain and discuss in WG meeting.
Action DA/NWP 23-10 on WG co-chairs : Follow progress on implementation of CrIS sub-pixel heterogeneity information at NOAA and report back to WG members bi-annually.
Status: CLOSED. Excellent progress on this action during period between meetings. See recent email (12/12/22) from Likun Wang announcing that the VIIRS clustering algorithm is available to the community in test mode.
Action DA/NWP 23-11 on WG members: send results of forecast studies that indicate the continuing impact on NWP of POES satellites to Mitch Goldberg
Status: CLOSED. It would be interesting to see who sent information (check inwith Mitch?)
ACTION DA/NWP 23-12 on Chris Burrows: Provide Working Group with the draft GIIRS BUFR sequence and invite comment.
Status: CLOSED. BUFR sequence was shared to WG via email.
ACTION DA/NWP 23-13 on WG Members: Provide feedback to Chris Burrows on the draft GIIRS BUFR sequence by the end of July 2021.
Status: CLOSED
ACTION DA/NWP 23-14 on WG members – contact Roger Randriamampianina to join a group that will discuss bias correction in LAMs.
Status: CLOSED. Roger organised a meeting and presented latesst results. see link
ACTION DA/NWP 23-15/16 WG members: contact WG cochairs by the end of July 2021 with topics for a science meeting (already proposed are assimilation in LAMs and how to deal with instruments on small satellites)
Status: CLOSED. Three science meetings were organised and well attended. Link…. We should raise the idea of continuing (frequency?, topics?)
ACTION DA/NWP 23-17 on WG members to review Space Agency contacts page on the website
Status: ONGOING. NO updates. Rollover to next meeting
ACTION DA/NWP 23-18 on WG members: Provide impact recent LAM study references to WG co-chairs for inclusion on the website
STATUS: ONGOING. No updates. Rollover to next meeting
Action items from Previous Conferences
Actions from previous conferences are detailed in the working group reports. They can be found here: